
Serenity Prayers, Benefits And Things You Need To Know About Serenity

What is serenity? at least, we have all heard about the word serene, we have heard about a serene environment, is there anything synonymous with this word? What does this word mean? let’s continue to find out.

Serenity can be In many ways, there is an app known as sereniyy which is used for meditation purposes. The app tracks your emotions day-to-day to ensure you are peaceful, reduces your stress, and increases your positivity in life.

In pure or layman’s thinking, serenity is the state of being calm or peaceful, especially during stressful and hard situations.

It is the measure of how peaceful your life is at that moment and the phases you have passed through. Finally, serenity is synonymous with world tranquillity.

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Importance Of Serenity

Living a serene life can be somehow challenging at all times because you will have to find it hard to bring yourself peace, you will try to fight stress, hardship, and so many others.

If you also live in a city where there is so much noise, or if you have a job that takes almost 80% of your time and leaves you all stressed out, it will be very hard for you to attain serenity or tranquillity.

Well, it is not hard nor impossible to achieve, you can do it. If you want to live a more serene or peaceful life, these short tips will help you.

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You must stay motivated, you must not be despondent, you must be filled with positive energies and then you must decide to stay calm in almost all your situations in life.

Serenity In Today’s World’s Culture

Serenity is a cornerstone of many cultures as well as various religions including the Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, and as well Christian cultures. In all these examples, serenity represents the peace that can only be attained after much struggle in life.

Serenity In The Bible

According to the scripture, You might find yourself striving for serenity when you’re dealing with stress or anxiety in your life. However, you don’t need to be a member of a specific religion to attain serenity.

It is something we all have the potential and capability to attain. With just a little time and effort put into work, one can start feeling more peaceful at all times and seasons.

Serenity Prayers In The Bible

As Christian brethren or brothers, as a soul that is filled with Christ, it is a prayer and vow with our God in heaven that we must attain serenity and peacefulness in all our lives.

Serenity Prayers
To achieve this, it is not only with the physical work or the flesh, it is something that has to do with the spirit. We all need to connect with God spiritually Either by praises, worship, or by prayers.

Well, in case you might find it hard to practice serenity, below are some serenity prayers that will scale you through and put you on the right track to experience peacefulness.

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It is said in God’s word that “God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”

Father, as we have come and gathered in your presence, we pray that you grant us our desires to enable us to experience serenity in our various lives.

We can’t do without serenity and prayers, we need to live long on earth, without peacefulness or any form of attack and violence, we can’t achieve this, father, we pray that you give us the power to make peace and make our environment peaceful in Jesus’ name, AMEN.


As we have discussed serenity in this article above, it is said that we don’t need to be sad about the circumstances surrounding us. We just have to gather our minds, stay motivated and also connect with our Maker to replenish and restore our peaceful mood.

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