Christian Living

How To Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart During A Dark Situation

How do you trust God when your circumstances are telling you that God cannot be trusted? Is it okay to be angry with God? What do you do when you’re confused about His plan and what He’s doing in your life?

In this article, we explore how you can trust in the lord, the subject of frustration with God, and how to handle it by using references from the book Habakkuk.

Trusting God Can Be A Struggle

Whether you are a prophet, a preacher, a pastor, or a pew, You must remember that trusting God can be a struggle no matter who you are, no matter what stage of Christian life you have attained. 

Let’s take a look at the context of this book or bible verse so that we can see exactly why Habakkuk was struggling in his faith.

Chapter 1 verse 2 of Habakkuk says, this violence is everywhere I cry but you do not come to save me,  must I forever see these evil deeds? why must I watch all this misery, wherever I look I see destruction and violence I am surrounded. 

People who love to argue and fight the law have become paralyzed and there is no justice in the courts,  the wicked far outnumber the righteous so justice has become perverted. 

How The Society Can Affect Our Trust

Imagine being part of a society where the law was simply not being carried out,  there was no justice, the wicked were getting away with crime, people around you were getting killed and were getting slaughtered, and people that were close to you were being murdered. 

In The midst of all of this crazy chaos, God wasn’t doing anything and this is what frustrated the Prophet Habakkuk, he called for help severally from God but God seems not to be interested in anything he is asking of. 

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Ask a Christian brethren, you might have felt this way thinking your prayers are not even getting past the ceilings not to talk of reaching the heavenly gate. All we just have to do is to trust in the lord our God

In Your Circumstances, You Must Know This

It seems like no matter what you do,  no matter where you go, no matter how much you give,  no matter how much you go to church,  no matter what you do, you just cannot seem to get a prayer to God and it seems like God is not listening to you.  

trust in the lord

The truth is that God sees us, he knows us, he knows everything going on in our lives, and even if we did not get the answers, he will still remain our God and we have to trust in the lord

Felt that way I mean God I’m trying to get in touch with you,  I’m crying out I’m doing everything I possibly know how to do and my circumstances have not yet changed which has led me to the conclusion that God, cant you hear me?

How God Replied Habakkuk Frustration

We all know what positive reply Habakkuk later got from God. God said he is doing his things in a special way and he will be shocked to see the plans God has for him. 

God graciously gives Habakkuk a sneak peek of a little bit of insight into his divine plan. he says, hey I am in the midst of doing something even though you may not agree with it,  you may not like it.

Basically what he’s saying is this, I am in the midst of raising up an evil generation,  an evil nation called the Babylonians and I’m gonna use that evil nation to come and discipline and punish my own people, this was let known to Habakkuk. 

God’s Plan For You Concerning Trust

Vision is for a future time,  it describes the end and it will be fulfilled.  if it seems slow in coming,  wait patiently for it will surely take place,  it will not be delayed thus said the Lord our God. So what are we saying in essence? 

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God is saying Habakkuk, I know that you can’t understand what’s going on right now, that’s because it’s not meant for you to understand right now. he says this vision is for some time in the future,  right now it’s not gonna make sense but over time my divine plan will come to pass.

Okay I get it, circumstances around me aren’t making sense, everywhere I look there is no growth and there’s nothing positive happening but yet, I will still praise you, I will still rejoice even in the midst of my dark situation.

So one of the things that I love about the story of Habakkuk is that it lets us know that God invites us to bring our pain, our frustration, our confusion, our hurt, and our disappointment to him, he doesn’t cast us away, he will meet us right where we are.

In the midst of the craziness, in the chaos of life, how do you trust God when you don’t trust God? Well, what you have to know is that he hears you and sees you every time you cry out to him.


Second of all, even though you may not see what he’s doing know, that he is always working behind the scenes, and then finally accept the fact that there are some things about God’s plan that we just understand. We just have to trust the process and trust in the lord our God

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