Christian Living

What is Christening? Meaning and Definitions

What is Christening?

Christening is a type of baptism that is popular in Catholic and Anglican churches. Typically performed on newborns and young children, it is a lengthy ceremony in which the kid is given an entirely new.

Christian name in the company of family and friends. Children are welcomed into the church and given godparents to help them grow in their faith and in life. A Christening is a special occasion for these Christians.

Some protestant churches do not conduct christening because of infant baptism, believing that baptism should be reserved for individuals who have acknowledged their sin and repented, who have decided to follow Jesus and want to openly proclaim this.

When Can Children be christened?

Toddlers can be christened at whichever ages (including adults on occasion), but they are most commonly christened as infants.

The precise moment and day of the ceremony are often determined by the church’s availability, and you’ll also want to confirm the accessibility of your chosen godparents

Difference Between Christening and Baptism

Although the ceremonies or rituals are interchangeable, there is a distinction between the two sorts of events.

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Christenings are religious events performed in Christian churches by priests or Catholic priests. A christening is a religious event in which a child is welcomed into the Christian church through what most catholic churches believes is baptism. But now during this supposed method of baptism, water is sprinkled or poured over the baby’s head during the christening, and the act serves as an introduction to the church.

And this is where most non-denominational churches don’t agree with the catholic and like on the issue of baptism. The Bible never recognises christening in any form but baptism, on our previous post “What Does it mean to be baptized and symbolisms of Baptism“. we gave a detailed explanation with bible facts on God’s interests in baptism by immersion. On a recap on that.


Baptism has to do with repentance first. It involves an adult whole is fully responsible for their actions in the past. Decides to repent and get baptised. Just as Christ died and was buried, the baptized person is buried underwater. And, just as Christ rose from death, the baptized believer rises from the water.

Difference between christening and naming ceremony

From this, I believe you must have fully understood what Christening really means or is all about.

Naming Ceremony

What is Christening
Naming ceremony

A naming ceremony is a non-religious celebration that allows you to welcome a kid into your household in a way that is unique and significant to you. The ceremony focuses on your kid. You and your spouse will name your child in the presence of the family members and friends you have asked to share on this momentous occasion.

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The Meaning of Christening to the Catholics

Christening is defined as “a Christian sacrament indicating spiritual cleansing and rebirth.” The christening tradition, which is most commonly observed in Catholic and Episcopal churches, extends beyond baby baptism. The christening ritual consists of giving the newborn a “Christian” name, sprinkling water on the child’s head, and welcoming them into the church community.


Christening isn’t Baptism the bible recognises, baptism and Jesus our lord and saviour encouraged us and his disciples to do it as a sign of total surrender to God almighty.

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