Christian Living

What Is Gluttony In The Bible? Things That Will Surprise You About Gluttony

What is gluttony? In a lame man’s language, Gluttony is the act of excess eating and drinking. It is also implied when a person can’t do without being greedy. Gluttons can be of different types namely:

1. Meat – eating Glutton

2. Vegetarian Glutton

3. Vegan Glutton

Many people have the habit of eating too much and drinking too much, some say it’s enjoyment, but this act is evil.

The act of Gluttony causes poverty because one needs to spend more to acquire more food or drinks. But when you eat or drink less, you tend to spend less.

What Is The Biblical Meaning Of Gluttony?

According to the Bible, Gluttony can simply mean the excessive desire for food.

It is considered a great sin in our Christian world because this act can cause food to be withheld from those who need food.

It should be noted that Gluttony is not just a sin but a deadly sin.

The act of Gluttony was illustrated in the story of Lazarus and the Rich man, who refused to give Lazarus food to eat but instead allow Lazarus to eat the scraps of food on the table, and some that fell on the ground.

This act made God very angry. When the rich man died he went to Hell and Lazarus who was righteous in the sight of God also died and he was sitting with Father Abraham in Heaven.

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God sent the rich man to Hell because he was greedy and only know of his interest and not the interest of others.

So Being a glutton is an evil act and should one should abstained from it. According to the Bible, there is a demon of gluttony and the name is “Beelzebub” the Bible also states that Beelzebub is the prince of the devil.

Jesus Christ teaches us how to preserve food and how to get rid of Gluttony in the story of Him feeding the five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

The Bible makes us understand that after feeding them there were twelve baskets of food left over. 

What Are The Disadvantage Of Gluttony? 

There are some disadvantages of gluttony or being a glutton.

As stated above Gluttony is the act of eating and drinking too much, as such, when we eat too much, we may disrupt hunger regulation, may increase disease risk, and make us nauseous. And worse may lead to Death

How Can We Overcome Gluttony? 

The food itself is not a bad thing, because it’s God who gave us food in abundance, but when you eat food too much or drink too much it’s considered a terrible sin.

God didn’t condemn us not to drink, but He insisted that we don’t drink too much to the extent that we get drunk.

So for us to be able to overcome gluttony we shouldn’t eat or drink in excess, if you have enough food try to give some to those who lack food by doing so it’s also a good thing because it’s a way of giving alms.

Also, it’s good to pray against the spirit of gluttony which is the demon “Beelzebub” because he’s the evil behind gluttony.

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Prayers And Verses Concerning Gluttony

Prayer is the key to everything because that’s the only way to commune with God. So talking to God to help you get rid of this evil act is a great idea.

Prayer of Thanksgiving should always be the first, to thank God for everything, followed by a prayer of forgiveness of sins, and then we ask to take away every spirit of Gluttony in your life.

Using these Bible verses can help us understand Gluttony better:Deuteronomy 21:20Proverbs 23:1-3,Proverbs 23:19-21,Proverbs 28:7,Titus 1:12,Psalms 78:18,Proverbs 25:16,Proverb 25:27,Luke 12:23.

With these Bible chapters and verses, we are sure covered with a clear explanation of Gluttony.

Furthermore, when we feel the need to drink or eat we should take a little portion of food so as not to overeat and avoid food wastage.


As we have earlier read in this article, the need to eat too much or even drink too much is a call to sin against the Lord.

So I indulge you to avoid this evil called “Beelzebub” who is the demon of Gluttony. This is a call to repentance to assist others with food and other things for those who lack.

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