Christian Living

What Is The Sabbath Day? These Are The Things You Need To Know

What is the Sabbath day? It has been described as a day of rest for all religious observant and staying away or abstaining from work activities.

It is also said to be the seventh day on which the Lord our God rested after creating Heaven and the Earth 

What Does The Scripture Say About The Sabbath Day?

The Sabbath is the day God rested after He had created the universe for six days, the seventh day He rested.

God said in His commandment that he gave to His servant “Moses” that says we should remember the day and keep it Holy (Exodus 20:8).

It was also observed by the Jewish people in the time of the old testament, anyone who was caught in the act of not observing this glorious day will be stoned to death.

Keeping the Sabbath was also a kind of covenant he made with the Israelites. 

What Are The Consequences Of Not Keeping The Sabbath Holy?

In these recent times, Christians no longer heed the commandment of God to observe this special day, they now misuse it, some even commit evil acts on Sabbath day.

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As we read before, during the time of Moses anyone who is caught in the act of working on the Sabbath day will be stoned to death.

No one should think there aren’t any consequences for not keeping the Sabbath Holy for God know ways how to deal with His offenders.

Not observing this day is considered a sin before the Lord because it’s the fourth commandment he gave to us and we as His children, we must obey Him by keeping the day, Holy.

What Are The Blessings That Follow Keeping The Sabbath Holy?

As there are penalties for not keeping the Sabbath Holy so there are blessings for keeping it Holy.

When you keep the day Holy it’s a clear understanding that we love God and that we acknowledge His Love for us too.

As such, keeping the Sabbath Day Holy before the Lord will attract God’s Blessings such as Riches, Prosperities, Long life, Grace, Promotion, etc, as keeping the Sabbath will bring His Mercies to our lives.

What Do You Do During The Sabbath Day?

There are many ways of keeping the Sabbath, we can visit the homeless and provide shelter, give alms to the beggers, visit family and friends,

Also, go to the house of the Lord to praise Him, take food to those who are hungry, take clothes to those who are naked, go for a walk and enjoy God’s creation.

Why Is It Important To Obey The Sabbath?

Observing and obeying the Sabbath clearly shows our commitment to honor and worship the Lord.

Not only that but also it helps us to acknowledge His love and goodwill to us and to bring us closer to Him, it’ll give us eternal peace and strength.

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The above meaning of the word also helps us to abstain from work and earthly obligations or responsibilities.

It is also very important to obey the day because it’s a holy day and a day God does not joke with.

Prayers And Verses Concerning The Sabbath Day.

To seek knowledge to know about what God says concerning the Sabbath.

Prayer of Thanksgiving followed by a prayer of forgiveness to ask God for his mercies for not keeping the day Holy, A prayer of wisdom and understanding is also important.

Using these Bible verses will help us to understand more about God’s Word: Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-14, Ezekiel 20:19-20, Isaiah 58:13-1, Exodus 31:13-17, Exodus 16:23


As we have read above, it’s clear to know that we have so far understood the meaning of the word Sabbath and why it is very important to keep it Holy.

It’s good to keep the commandments of God because that’s the only manual obligation we have as humans.

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