Christian Living

Who Are Angels In The Bible, Check The Mystery Behind Them And Their Roles

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Angels are love messengers who have been believed to come down on earth and inspire people through their love and compassion. They are the guardians of humankind and offer guidance when we require it the most. 

While there are a lot of beliefs about angels, what does the word ‘angels’ actually mean? we will find more in the article below. 

Who Are Angels In The Bible?

In Christianity, angels are messengers from God, they are his missionaries who reside in heaven but also appear on earth from time to time.

Their primary role is to assist humans in their journey towards salvation by inspiring them with love and goodness.

There are different types of angels, each one with its specific mission to fulfill. Now under this post, we shall discuss what angels look like, the specific work each carries, and in what way can angels help us. 

What Does An Angel Look Like

Angel is a figure from Abrahamic religions. The word ‘angel’ comes from the Greek word ‘Angelos’ meaning messenger. In the Bible and other holy books, angels are divine messengers of God and his agents on earth. 

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In Christianity, Muslims, and Jews, angels are spiritual beings intermediate between man and God. They do not have wings as commonly believed, but these winged creatures have been popular for centuries. 

It is said that angels in heaven always put on a white garment as well, as constantly singing to Jehovah which is God. 

Angel Micheal And Angel Gabriel Function

In Christian and Jewish mythology, the archangel Michael is a warrior who leads God’s army against Satanic forces in the war between good and evil.

In some stories, he is also the angel of death that is responsible for taking souls from one life to the next. 

Angel Micheal are in two form, one functions as an Archangel of God; the other is a fallen angel who serves as Satan’s second-in-command.

Both have appeared in popular culture – and both have different roles in various works of fiction. 

On the other hand, angel Gabriel according to the ancient world is seen to be known as an angel who controls rain, not only that but this popular Angel is also known as the angel of revelations. 

Is The Devil An Angel?

According to the Bible, it was said that the devil is a very mighty and known angel of God. It was said that his pride and quest for God’s power proved him to be a fallen angel.

It was even said in the bible that he is the most handsome angel and the closest to God among all other types of angels. 

Can You See An Angel? 

If you are a fan of supernatural things, you will find out that angels exist. But can we see them? This is a question that has bothered a a lot of minds. 

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Well, it is believed by many folks that this angel protects us and keeps us knowing more about our daily activities. 

Who Are Angels In The Bible

Seeing angels can just be like a daydream, although you might have seen them before maybe through visions or by dreams. It was even said on the internet that some angels were caught live on cameras. 


Talking about guardian angels, yours can come in several forms, God can also use several being to serve as guidance to your activities. Even God might not answer your needs from heaven but he can send someone to come and provide them for you. That being is your helper and your angel. 

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