Christian Living

The works of the Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The origin of the Holy Spirit is widely misunderstood. Some consider the Holy Spirit to be mysterious energy. Others consider the Holy Spirit as an impartial power that God grants to Christ’s followers.

What does the Bible teach about the Holy Spirit’s identity? Simply put, the Holy Spirit is God, according to the Bible. The Holy Spirit, according to the Bible, is a heavenly person with a mind, feelings, and a will.

We can also be certain that the Holy Spirit is God since He possesses God-like attributes. Psalm 139:7-8, for example, demonstrates His omnipresence.

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Ways the Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers

The Holy Spirit is a Teacher and a Reminder.

The Holy Spirit gives Christ’s followers sound advice. Jesus understood he was leaving and that his disciples would require the Holy Spirit as a companion and counsel to remind them of his instructions.

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You are sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

“Sanctified” refers to being designated as sacred. It is essentially the purifying of sin and spiritual maturation in order to become more Christlike. For a believer, putting behind the old and creating a new person is a crucial step. However, it is a daily procedure that takes time.

The Holy Spirit desires to assist you in this sanctification process: to die to your old self and become all that God made you be; to be free of the entrapment of sin and live victoriously.

He conforms you to the image of Christ.

Our purpose is to become more like Christ, which happens through the influence of the Holy Spirit. While the preceding points concentrated on purification and the reduction of sin, this is a metamorphosis into the image of Christ.

He assists you in carrying out the Father’s will.

The Holy Spirit is seen directing people to do God’s will throughout the New Testament. He assists us in tuning into the voice of the Father and doing what we believe he is calling us to do in confidence. Ask the Spirit to reveal to you what the Father’s will is for you today and to equip you to carry it out!

Believers get spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit.

Wisdom, understanding, and power are manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians for the benefit of others.

He imparts love.

We discover love in our pain. God’s love is poured forth into us using the Spirit when we go through difficulties, and it is this empowerment that gets you and me through the difficult times. When you doubt this love in the midst of adversity, realize that the Spirit pours it into your heart.

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The Holy Spirit gives hope.

As God hopes, so should we. This is only achievable in abundance because of the Holy Spirit’s strength. And it is hoped that sustains individuals in the face of adversity. Hope is a source of energy for the soul. Use His power to tap into this and enjoy calm in your surroundings.


We cannot be at ease with sin in our lives if we have been redeemed and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always convict our hearts. Some purposefully disregard the Spirit until their conviction fades. But that’s a dangerous place to be! If we repress the activity of the Spirit in our lives to the point where he no longer convicts our hearts of sin, we have grown pretty far from God.

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