Christian Living

Yeshua Meaning In The Bible And Who It Is Used For

The mystery behind the most famous and amazing name in the world, the name of Jesus, if talked about, is the most famous name in the universe. There is more to this, there is a lot. 

Jesus from all Jews, is the most beautiful name and a fine name, and many people just hear the name and they don’t know what it means or what it is.

Mystery Behind The Name 

What is behind the name, what does it say, Hebrew word Yeshua in the bible means to rescue, to defend, to protect against something, to make free, to preserve, to attain victory, to bring to safety, to hear the saint, there are many words that can be linked to the term Yeshua. It gots lots of words surrounding it. 

What Yeshua Means In Life Application

In one word, it is the answer to everything, It is what we spend our life seeking, safety, help, all those things we need, freedom, victory, all those things one way or the other seek for.

Looking at Hebrew, from the word Yeshua comes the word salvation, from the word, comes the Hebrew word Yeshua and which means salvation. 

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Yeshua And Salvation

In Hebrew, it becomes something amazing, the name Jesus isn’t really Yeshua and in the scripture, it said God has become my Yeshua or my salvation which is interpreted in English. 

In other words, God, who is the creator of the universe, is going to one day become our salvation. He will become our help, our defense, our victory, and our salvation and he will be the answer to any need we might be asking for.

Yeshua From Hebrew And Greek Meaning

As said above that this word also has a similar meaning to the word salvation, what is the difference between saying that god will be a Yeshua, from the Hebrew word comes the name Yeshua and then when it is translated into greek, it became Jesus, and from Jesus into English became Jesus Christ. 

With all these, Jesus is Yeshua and Yeshua is also Jesus. It is the real name of the one the whole world knows as Jesus Christ who came to give us salvation and set us free from the bondage of sins and death.

Many people in the bible, especially people that are close to Jesus Christ, people like Mary, Jacob, and the rest, all called him Yashua 

Instructions To Mary And Jacob 

In the bible before the birth of Jesus, it was said to Mary and Jacob that after the baby is birthed, they as the parent must name the child Yeshua because he was sent for the salvation of his people.

God will become Yeshua or Jesus, that is exactly what the word Yeshua really means. Till the age comes that one day, God will actually become our answer to everything that ends well and actually become our freedom.

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This is why Jesus means God is our freedom and our healing, in short, he is our everything. 

The Bible says that the name of the lord is the tower that the righteous run into and so as a believer, take everything you have and bring it into that name. 


Having read what this term means and who it is used for, it is your duty to serve and worship him. Bring all your afflictions, your sorrow, and all your pain to him and he will give you rest. 

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