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Best Film Schools in Austria | Requirements

Let’s talk about the best film schools in Austria and the requirements you need to meet up if you want to be part of any of the schools we would be talking about here.

Austria is one of the best countries when it comes to education and has always been good in its economy too.

Austria is one country that had a very low crime rate, so you as a student that is planning to study in Austria will be safe unlike other countries with maximum natural disasters, the case of this country is not the same.

In this article, we are going to focus more on their educational sector and talent.

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The people living in the country ate very talented and have good sound when it comes to music and movies but our focus is on the film.

Though their names are not readily heard when ot comes to movies ave is one of the biggest and best film schools in Europe and the world.

For those that are interested in getting the best when it comes to developing their film production talent, we recommend Austria for you.

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Without further wasting time, let’s look at some of the best film schools in Austria.

Best Film Schools in Austria

Funny enough, Austria had only three major film schools in the country and the three in question have a long competition. Here are the top three film schools in Austria.

1. Film Academy Vienna

Located in the capital of Austria, this is the film house that is taking the number one spot on our list.

For a long time, this school have concentrated more on training people that are supposed to make waves in the industry.

A lot of film stars you see in Austria graduated from the Film Academy Vienna.

If you’re an International student and you want to study here and looking for a school with the best equipment, here is one for you.

2. National Film and Television

This is the film school that is owned by the government and it is seen as the oldest film school in the country.

This is also one of the favourites for international students that want to study in Austria, the reason for this is that they have a very low tuition fee that makes it easy for anyone to apply, they also have a good acceptance rate when it comes to admission

Though it might not be the best it is among the best in the country.

They have very good equipment that all students need to use learn faster and better.

3. Italian National Film School

This movie school is a branch of Italy’s film school and the reason for bringing this school down to Austria is to help train young professionals that will change the entertainment and film scene of the country and the world.

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If you want to attend this school, it will be a very good decision and one of the best you have made so far.


Which country is the best for filmmaking?

If you’re talking about film schools or filmmaking, you talk about US, Nigeria, Spain and London.

What is the best film school in Europe?

The best film school in Europe currently is the University of television and film in Munich

Which degree will you get in Film?

You will earn yourself a bachelor’s degree in Film and television

Which country has the number film industry?

That will be Hollywood in the United States.


If you want to study in Austria as a filmmaker we have given you options and you can choose the one that is good for you.

For more information, we would always be here to update you and for questions, use the comment section.

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