Education News

Differences Between Bsc, HND, OND and A’Level

Let’s now look at the Differences Between Bsc, HND, OND and A’Level and their meanings, you must read this.

As a novice or recent admissions applicant, you may be curious about the distinctions between these phrases or acronyms.

It’s good to know them not merely for conversation purposes, but also to understand the true meaning of each, what they stand for, what shapes their admissions take, the reason or purpose behind each, and, most importantly, which one to choose.

What is BSC?

BSC stands for Bachelor of Science. A degree or university award is referred to by this name. After finishing a 4-year or 5-year study at any university, you will be awarded a BSc.

What is NCE?

NCE is an honour granted to graduates of educational institutes. In general, after completing a three-year course at a college, the graduate is given NCE.

What is HND?

A polytechnic graduate receives an HND after finishing a 2-year National Diploma, 1 or 2 years of Industrial Training (IT), and a 2-year Higher National Diploma Programme.

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It should be noted that the HND course does not necessitate retaking the UTME or getting the JAMB direct entrance form. Applicants must only participate in the school’s planned entrance exam and interview or screening.

What is OND?

The OND or ND is a polytechnic award for a two-year degree with which the holder can be granted entrance into the Higher National Diploma (HND) and where the recipient can be admitted to a university’s 200-level study through Direct entry admission.

Difference Between OND, BSC, HND and NCE

1. Admission – OND

The OND or ND is a polytechnic award for a two-year degree with which the holder can be hired or be granted entrance into the Higher National Diploma (HND) and where the recipient can be admitted to a university’s 200-level study through Direct entry admission.

2. Admission- BSC

To get admission into any Nigerian institution, you must first pass the JAMB UTME, which is a significant condition for admission to any degree of your choice, as well as the appropriate SSCE marks.

After passing the UTME, you may be subjected to Post-UTME or entrance screening by JAMB and the prospective institution before being admitted.

3. Admission – HND

This program is about to be scrapped so there is no point talking about their mood of admission.

4. A’Level – Admission

You don’t need much work here, all you need to do is just look at some of the programs that are available and go for one. In our former post, we highlighted the difference between the programs, you can read through them and find the one that is suitable for you.

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Is HND higher than A’Level?

There are almost the same because you wi still need to complete your HND to enter the 200 level from the university and you also need to complete your A’level studies before you can also enter the 200 level.

Is BSC higher than HND?

Yes, because after your HND degrees you would still need to attend the university for 3 more years.

What is the difference between OND and ND?

Currently, there are the same because OND which stands for Ordinary National Diploma has been changed to National Diploma.

Is HND an A’level?

No, it is not an A’level


Nigerian education, like that of any other country, is rich with honours. There are further postgraduate and professional awards available, such as MSC, MA, ICAN, NIM, and so on.

Going to school necessitates knowing the finish from the beginning, and you have it all here.

For more information and questions you can always use the comment section.

You can always check back here at DailyGamEdu for more updates on educational news.

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