Education News

Can I Use Cancelled Result For Admission

A of students have asked “Can I Use Cancelled Result For Admission” well in this article, we are going to answer that question.

Some people are concerned about the cancellation of WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB results.

Some candidates were impacted by exam bodies’ cancellation of some or all subjects.

Candidates who have had their results cancelled are now wondering if they can use them to seek and gain admissions.

As a result, in this post, we would like to look at when cancelled SSCE results can be used for admission and when they can’t.

Can I Use the Cancelled Result For Admission?

WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB may cancel a candidate’s entire set of results/papers. You cannot use it for admission in this case.

Completely cancelled results are just as bad as not sitting for the exams.

In that case, neither admission nor employment can be processed.

In case you didn’t already know. For admission, you do not need to have completed 9 or 8 subjects in WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB.

Your proposed course requires only five relevant subjects. What matters is that you have at least C6 (credits) in the five relevant subjects.

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Of course, if the exam body cancels any of these required subjects, you will not be able to use them for admission.

Even if a school accepts another subject in place of a compulsory one for your course, they may still require you to have a D7, E8, or F9 in the subject. That represents its attempt and a grade that “the cancelled” will never be able to replace.

So, if it is cancelled, schools may refuse to honour it, even if you have another subject that they would accept in its place.

A few schools, for example, may accept Biology instead of Agric, and vice versa. If one is cancelled, some schools will use the other.

If a school accepts at least D7 or E8 in Physics and it is cancelled, it may not accept that or any other subject in its place.

Some subjects are generally irrelevant to any course, let alone your proposed course.

Marketing, for example, is irrelevant to Nursing, Medicine, or Pharmacy. Literature may or may not apply to Accounting, Business Administration, Marketing, and other related fields.

It would make no difference in the preceding cases whether those irrelevant subjects were cancelled or not. Such subjects may simply be taking up space in your results.

Once you have completed the five core subjects, any cancelled subjects will not prevent a school from admitting you. What matters is the number five.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the waec result expire for admission?

No, when results don’t expire for admission rather the period for admission expires

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Do neco cancel results?

Yes, they can cancel the result if they verify that there was misconduct in the centre

Did Waec cancel physics in Nigeria?

There was a year that physics was cancelled in some parts of Nigeria. (2021)

Is C5 a good grade for Neco?

Yes, it is a good grade.


Completely cancelled results affecting the nine subjects cannot be used for admissions. A relevant subject to a candidate’s proposed course will also be rejected.

However, if the affected subject has(have) no relation to the proposed course or if there is a subject that can replace it, it will not affect admissions. That will be accepted by any school.

You don’t have to worry about the affected subject if you can provide the cancelled subject/paper in another already owned or to-be-sat-for result, especially if the course/school accepts two sittings.

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