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Jamb and Waec Which is Tougher?

Jamb and Waec which is tougher? This is one of the questions as have gotten too much and we must address it for some people to understand.

JAMB comes after WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB. But which is more difficult? You want to know if WAEC is more difficult to pass than JAMB or if JAMB is more difficult to pass.

This question is crucial if you’ve seen a few students who performed well in their SSCE but struggled in the UTME. You should be wary of what is to come in the UTME.

With some noticeable JAMB preparations by admission seekers across the country, it’s easy to conclude that JAMB will be more difficult than WAEC or NECO. But how true are these words?

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In this post, I will answer this question and break down my position to the most important points for your understanding.

Should Jamb Be More Difficult Than Waec?

However, the UTME is a mandatory exam. The JAMB syllabus, like the SSCE syllabus, is more elaborate and advanced than the SSCE syllabus.

As a result, questions in the UTME are expected and are typically more difficult than those in the WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB.

  Compulsory Subject For WAEC, NECO and NABTEB

While your internal exams or SSCE may limit your test to specific topics, JAMB typically tests candidates on their overall coverage of all topics.

When taking WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB, you are being tested on more than just objective questions with multiple-choice answers (options A -D). These scenes will also put your theory knowledge to the test.

If you miss some questions in the objectives, you can compensate by using your knowledge of theories and practicals.

Some students who do poorly on WAEC objective questions may surprise you when it comes to answering theory questions.

For the UTME, however, you are strictly tested with objective questions. Students whose strength is, in theory, let down in the UTME because there is no writing.

It is safer to conclude that, despite being a four-subject exam, UTME is typically more difficult to pass than SSCE, such as WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB.

In SSCE, you usually have more time for the questions. Students frequently submit their work well before the deadline.

You may also be preferred by a supervisor who understands why you may need to submit your work late.

As a result, while writing WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB, time may be on your side.

In terms of the UTME, you only have two hours to complete 180 questions across four subjects.

The system, being computer-based, will not allow you to spend more than one minute, regardless of your excuse.

We have seen cases where students were forced to spend less than the official 2 hours at CBT centres due to technical issues. This is why time may be your adversary in the UTME.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is jamb harder than waec?

For some little reasons yes

Is why waec and jamb syllabus the same?

No, there are not the same

Is the jamb exam hard?

Jamb is not hard if you prepare very well

Can you pass Jamb without studying?

It is not possible to pass without studying


This viewpoint is based on personal experience as well as the experiences of others.

The reasons for this can be traced back to the nature of the questions, the scope of the questions and syllabus, the new exam environment, and the time factor, to name a few.

You can, however, do better than in WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB with proper and intensive preparation.

You can always reach out to us here at DailyGamedu for any questions you have.

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