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Can I Study Law, Medicine and Nursing Without Jamb

First, we need to discuss the question Study Medicine Law and Nursing Without Jamb? A lot of students have been wanting to know.

Medicine & Surgery, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Scientific, law and other competitive disciplines that we would be talking about today have some questions we need to answer.

However, the standard is that if you want to apply for any of these courses, you would use JAMB UTME or JAMB DEGREE (for those who qualify for direct entry).

Furthermore, because these courses are competitive, you must not only pass JAMB but also score extremely good score. A score of less than 250 is challenging for courses like Nursing, Medicine, law and some others.

What if you do not wish to take JAMB? Can you still enrol in any of these courses if you don’t have JAMB? Can you enrol with just your SSCE (O’level) if you fail your JAMB?

We would answer your queries in this post. I will clarify everything for you if you wish to study medicine, nursing, law or other professions without taking JAMB.

Every full-time course you choose to pursue will necessitate JAMB. That is not the situation If you choose a part-time course (such as daily part-time or weekend part-time) or distance learning (such as LAUTECH ODL, OAU DLC, UI DLC, UNIABUJA DLC, NOUN, etc.), you will not be required to take JAMB.

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Courses such as Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Lab, Law, and so on, on the other hand, are normally not permitted or offered on a part-time or remote learning basis. And, if a distance learning or part-time program incorporates it, it may be for applicants who already have an RN, RM, or a comparable degree or certification.

As a result, even if the courses are offered part-time, you will not be allowed if you just have SSCE. Only individuals who have finished a comparable program will be eligible to apply and be considered.

With this condition, it’s reasonable to assume that if all you have is SSCE, you won’t be able to study any of these courses, full-time or part-time, without first acquiring the JAMB form, sitting for it, and passing with flying colours.

To be honest, some people are wondering if they may study medicine without JAMB since they did not get or write the UTME.

However, some aspirants would refuse to take JAMB no matter what.

One issue to be concerned about is the difficulty of passing JAMB. Candidates whose schools are holding admission examinations are still waiting for their post-UTME results.

If you fall into the latter category, you can still study Medicine, Law, Nursing, and Pharmacy through programs such as IJMB, JUPEB, Cambridge A’level, School Diploma, and so on, without having to sit for or pass JAMB.


Is it possible to Study law without a Jamb?

For a professional course like law, you need a jamb and a score above 250 to pass.

Must I write Jamb to enter University?

Yes, you need to write jamb before you enter university.

  How To Upload O'Level Result on JAMB CAPS

Which university does not accept jamb?

In Nigeria today, the only university that does not accept Jamb is National Open University.

Can I do direct entry into Medicine?

Yes it is possible to do direct entry into Medicine and Surgery


We have given you all the details you need to know about this topic and you must know that you need Jamb to get admission to professional Courses.

For more information, you can always come back here at DailyGamEdu to catch up. with the latest.

If you have any questions about “Can I Study Law, Medicine and Nursing Without Jamb” you can kindly leave a comment below.

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