Online School

University of People Online Degree | Top Free Courses

The University of People Online – Ever since the start of the university of people, its online classes have been of good rating.

It is also interesting to note that some of the programs or courses they offer are free tuition programs.

In this article, we are going to go deep into all the available courses and tell you the ones that are free in case you want to do any of them.

We would also be giving you some little information about other programs that will also interest you.

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First of all, the university of people is online based, so need to look for the campus because there is none.

It has been recorded that the University of people is the first online school to offer its programs free.

It is a non-profit school because one of its major aims is to make education accessible to those who don’t have what it takes to attend a proper university.

So in school, you can earn your certificate and be like other students who attended a campus University.

Yes, we said it is tuition fee free but you still have to pay a $60 registration fee for those going for Undergraduate studies and a $100 processing fee for those going for their master’s degree.

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Those going for associate degrees will be writing a total of 20 exams while if you want to get your bachelor’s degree, you will be writing a total of 40 examinations.

For those that still don’t have money to pay for the above fees, you can also apply for their yearly scholarship scheme to help the students who are living less than average.

The school which is located in California is still standing as one of the best online schools in the world today with well-qualified tutors that are ready to give you all the knowledge you need.

Available Free Programs at the University of People

Here we would be talking about some of the courses or programs you can study for free At the university of people.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer science
  • Associate degree in Business administration
  • Associate degree in computer science
  • Bachelor’s degree in health
  • Associate degree in health

For those going for their graduate studies, they offer postgraduate studies in Business administration.

Requirements For Admission

For you to be admitted into the University of People, you have to meet up with (three) requirements which we have listed below

  • You must not be less than 18 years of age
  • You must have a good English proficiency
  • Should a diploma insight School

The requirements are not hard, it is something you can meet up with.

In the classes you will be having, you wi be given some take-home assignments and tests which you will be given instructions on how to submit.

Every class will not have above 30 students but not below 20, this simply means the class contains 20-30 students.

Tuition Fee For University of People

There is no tuition fee involved in the university but you will be required to pay $60 for an associate degree and $100 for processing fees which you must pay before every exam you write.

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So, in total, before you graduate from the university of people you might have spent up to $2500 on writing exams.

For MBA students, you are paid pay $200 per course of your writing you will pay a total of $2460 since you’re going to be writing 12 courses.

For those that can not afford some of these fees, their yearly Scholarship can be your companion.


Is a degree from the university of people legitimate?

The school is duly recognized and accredited so yes, it is legitimate.

Do UoP graduates get a Job?

Yes, with your degree you can get a job anywhere.

How long does it take to complete a degree at the University of People?

It takes only 4 years for you to complete e degree here.

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