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Which is Best For You : Engineering or Medicine?

Engineering or Medicine

Lots of students find it hard figuring the best course to study between medicine and engineering. This is because these two courses are prominent disciplines for students who are interested in the science world. Asides from this, there are higher opportunities associated with these two courses. Choosing one of these two courses is always a difficult and delicate thing to do for science students. However, I’ll say it is not as difficult as it seems if aspirants pay attention to their actions and strength. 

In this article, I’d be going through these two courses and highlighting some crucial elements that can aid in your choice of selection. 

Zeal and Interest

The first thing to consider when choosing any of these two courses  is your passion and your interest. Do you find mathematics, physics or any other related sciences interesting? Or can you use them to solve problems abstractly? Then you should consider going for Engineering. If you however find taking care of people, treating people in their health crisis interesting, you should consider going for Medicine. It is best to gauge your skills and your intelligence quotient before finally choosing.

Admission Process

If you’re looking into studying engineering, you should have a strong analytical skill and other natural sciences such as physics and chemistry. If you’re good in mathematics you won’t have issues getting accepted to study engineering in any school of your choice. Medicine on the other hand is one of the hardest fields to break into. They admit the best of the best candidates as it’s a profession that deals with people’s lives.

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Costs and Duration of Study – Engineering or Medicine

The duration of studying Medicine takes up to 9 years which includes residency and many clinical affiliate programs while engineering takes up to 5 years. The cost of these two courses differs depending on your choice of institution.  Research has shown that Engineering cost cheaper compared to Medicine. 

Education and Training 

Generally speaking, the importance of training and educational components is critical to whichever degree you are opting for. For engineering, there is essentially no required training, however some countries demand that engineers should be licensed. For Medicine, students use only the first four years in the classroom (medical school), after which they’d go for an intensive medical training (medical residence) for 3 years, where a residency exam will be written afterwards which will enable them to be eligible for an unrestrained license to practice medicine. 

Medicine school basically provides students (doctors) a wide range of medical information, essential clinical skills and mentoring programs practicing medicine in a number of professions. Medicine Residency offers in-depth study within a particular specialty. Students undoubtedly undergo high training.  

Employment Opportunities – Engineering or Medicine

This here is more like a deciding factor for the majority of students. I will say the next thing to look out for before choosing any of the two courses after your passion and interest is the job prospects that come with the two fields. The two courses provide a variety of job opportunities. However, for engineering, it depends on the sector.

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The most lucrative engineering sector includes robotics, software and petroleum. For medicine, doctors have the most secure jobs as they will always be needed for medical issues. While a medical career focuses only on health and wellbeing, an engineering career on the other hand focuses on innovation and infrastructure development.


To sum it up, engineering is the most accessible, affordable and time-efficient, while in terms of employment prospects, educational requirements and earning prospects medicine comes out on top. However, the choice between engineering and medicine is totally up to you to decide and you should be able to gauge the two options well before finally deciding. I hope with these few points I highlighted, you’d not find it very difficult to make a good choice. 


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