Christian Living

Baptism, Water, Fire, Spirit And Other Aspects Of Baptism You Need To Know

What is baptism? Well, this is not the first time we have heard about this word. It is very common in all aspects both in churches and in crusades.

We all know how John the Baptist was so popular in the Bible, the work he was known with is to baptise human beings and cleanse them so they can be saved.

It was later said that John the Baptist was the one who even baptised Jesus. You can read the scripture about the work of this great man and how he has helped the community and brought souls to Christ at large.

At this the point, I hoped we have at least learned a little bit about baptism. We aren’t stopping here, let us go deeper to know what this word means and other aspects of baptism. Take your glass cup of water, sit and follow me as I unleash them. 

In a layman’s understanding, this term above is a term that is used mostly in Christianity. It is the process of purifying someone’s soul and body by washing away their sins and making them clean.

How Baptism Can Be Done

It can be done in many ways but the commonest form of Baptism is the type that is done by sprinkling water or immersing the person completely in water.

The person being baptized should be able to fully submerge themselves in the water which is usually assisted by the Baptiser, after then, the person and then come back up out of the water.

The water mostly used during baptism is a special water filled with God’s presence. 

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Lastly, you need or you might have known this. For someone to get baptized fully, they must first accept Jesus as their lord and personal saviour, must confess their sins and must have faith in God as well. If they lack faith, then they are not baptised, they are just swimming lol. 

Types Of Baptism

As we said earlier in this article above, it can come in several forms. Although the most common form is being baptised by water, but we are going to look deep into other types of baptism and explain necessary and important terms. Now, let’s proceed.

Water Baptism 

As we said earlier that this form of baptism is very common, but there is more to this. In this form of baptism, the person to be baptised must confess his or her sin publicly without any form of default or fear. 

In water baptism, you must be very determined to follow Jesus Christ and turn a new leaf, leaving all your past behind.

Once you have agreed to be baptised, that symbolises you have shown your willingness for Christ and as well to abide by his instructions and flee from sinful acts. 

Spirit Baptism

Water Baptism and Spirit baptism have something in common which is the word Baptism, but this is not where it ends. These two forms are also very different as they share nothing in common. 

In Christian doctrines, spirit baptism means the baptism made by the holy ghost or the holy spirit, this form of baptism is mostly carried out when you are in connection with the Holy Spirit either by worship or prayers.

During this connection with the holy spirit, your mind must not be distracted and must be fully focused, then the spirit will come upon you. 

You can see instances in the Bible where the 120 disciples were locked in an upper room, singing, praying and chanting the name of the lord and then the holy spirit came upon them in the form of a dove and they started speaking in various tongues. 

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From the illustration above, you can now see how the holy spirit works, also know this, spirit baptism can be in many forms and it is not permitted for only speaking in tongues.

Speaking in tongues only is not the way you might be baptised by the holy spirit. 

Fire Baptism

Well,  Fire and spiritual baptism are synonymous, but there is still a little difference between them.

Fire on its own represents the power of God. Illustration can be taken from the Bible when Moses encountered God in the burning bush, it was said that the fire of God was in the bush.

In the acts of the apostle, the tongues of fire represent the presence of God the holy spirit. 

What Will You Gain From Being Baptised?

Well after reading the terms in this article, you will gain a lot about being baptised. 

In most churches, during the holy communion service, you can’t eat the bread nor drink the wine if you have not yet been baptized no matter what position you might hold. 


Baptism is very important in our Christian lives, it will help to distinguish us from unbelievers, draws us closer to God and at last, make our connection with God stronger. Don’t try to miss baptism. 

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