Bible Study

“Depart from me I Never Knew You” Meaning in Matthew 7:23

Before Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens, he left the disciples and those who cared to listen, with some moral guide and compass to live a heaven-worthy life. These include the popular saying, “depart from me I never knew you”, that can be found in Matthew 7:23.

One thing about these Bible injunctions is that until Jesus comes again, they will remain relevant. Therefore, we should not just gloss over any Bible verse, regardless of how familiar it is to us. We should study them critically and allow the Holy Spirit to do its revealing work instead.

As you might be aware of the topic of our discussion, we shall be exploring Matthew 7:23 and what Jesus meant by saying, “depart from me I never knew you” in the scripture.

Meaning of Depart from Me I Never Knew You Bible Verse

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity — Matthew 7:23 kjv.

For a good understanding of this scripture, let’s look at the preceding verses in Matthew 7, where Jesus mentioned the paths that lead to heaven and hell, and also those who inherit these two places.

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In particular, Jesus identifies false prophets as those who are going to spend the rest of their lives in hell. He uses the analogy of a tree and the kind of fruit it bears to illustrate this in Matthew 7. Verses 16 to 20 explains that false prophets are like a corrupt tree that bears evil fruit, and is, therefore, hewn down and cast into the fire.

He goes on to say that when such people appear before him on judgement day, they will be surprised to hear his verdict: I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity announcing their destruction.

These people would try to defend themselves by speaking of the signs and miracles they had wrought in God’s name while on earth, but they would end in futility.

Therefore, I never knew you: depart from me, means a verdict that awaits every person that believes and promotes falsehood on judgement day. This implies people who indulge in iniquity have no place in heaven but in hell.

Understand that not only false prophets will hear this pronouncement on the day of judgment, those who reject the gospel and the salvation that Jesus death brings are also destined for eternal doom in hellfire.

To summarize the meaning of Matthew 7:23, we can say that it is the highlight of the judgment that every sinner that refuses to accept Jesus as their lord and abides in the way of righteousness will receive.

Frequently Asked Questions on Matthew 7:23 Meaning

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1. Where does the Bible say depart from you never knew you?

Matthew 7 is a very popular scripture, encouraging believers to ask for whatever they need from God. Beyond that, however, it also talks about the verdict that talks about the verdict that awaits sinners on the Last Day. Verse 23 of Matthew 7 captures Jesus as saying: “I never knew you: depart from me” in the Bible.

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2. What is the meaning of Matthew 7 23?

Matthew 7:23 highlights one thing, and that is, God knows those who are His. And on judgment day, He will distance those that merit the kingdom of heaven from those that merit Hell.

For those who are His children, his verdict will be, “well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Sinners, however, will hear: I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


This post tries to explain what Jesus means by “depart from me I never knew you” in Matthew 7:23. Here we expose you to the context of the Bible verse and those who will hear this verdict from Jesus on the last day.

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