Christian Living

Ephod Meaning In The Bible And What Is It Used For

 Ephod Meaning, what does it implies?  This term is a kind of Apron-like garment which the Jewish high priest leaders wore in the time of old. This garment was woven into fabric out of gold, purple, blue, and a scarlet thread made from very fine linen.

Ephod meaning contains two stones, which were used for prophetic purposes. These two stones were called the Urim and Thummim, and they were believed to have been given to Prophet Moses by God as part of his covenant or promise with Israel.

What Are Urim And Thummim

Urim which means light and Thummim which is perfection were special stones carried by the high priest of Israel on the ephod. These stones were used by the high priest to deduce God’s will in some cases.

These are items that were in the breastplate of the high priest which he uses to consult religious guidance. 

What Are The Importance Of Ephod

It was an important part of the ceremonial attire, as it would reflect God and what He had done for His people. The ephod would be worn over his other garments and would be made from gold thread woven with blue and purple threads.

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What Did The Bible Say About Ephod

In the Scripture, the ephod is a kind of priestly garment. This was a garment worn by the high priest of Israel. It was a symbol of God’s authority and his divine power.

Ephod Meaning also implies what was also used for spiritual prophecy and as a method of seeking the face of God. The Hebrew word for “ephod” means “to inquire.” The Priests would inquire about things like future events, what God wanted them to do, and how to do it.

Who Are The Prophets That Worn Ephod

In the time of old, the prophet Samuel wore the priestly garment called Ephod when he served in the temple of Shiloh. (1 Samuel 2:18),  King David also wore the ephod which he used to dance while carrying the ark of the Lord (2 Samuel 6:14).

Bible Verses That Explain More About An Ephod

In the article above, we have seen what an ephod is and what are the importance of an ephod. So to understand better we are going to dive into the scriptures properly to get a more suitable explanation. Exodus 28:4, Exodus 28:6-13, Exodus 39:2-7, Leviticus 8:7, Judges 17:5, Judges:17-20, 1 Samuel 2:28.


In conclusion, the ephod was an important garment or robe that priests who served God in biblical times, but not so much now because we have different religious leaders such as Pastors, Bishops, etc, who don’t need this type of clothes. This method has some important functions and purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQS)

Where In The Scripture Is Ephod Stated?

In the old testament, the ephod is written clearly in the books of Samuel and the chronicles.

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The ephod is a priestly garment in the Bible and the Mormon book. The Bible describes it as a kind of cloak or garment.

It is first mentioned in Exodus 28:4 when God instructs Moses to have Bezalel make an ephod out of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen.

The ephod is worn by the high priest when he serves in the sacred tabernacle or temple. It is also worn by priests who assist the high priest

What Was The Spiritual Purpose Of The Ephod

 Actually, the spiritual purpose of this ephod is not clear from the narrative in the scripture. It was likely fulfilled as a sign to show people who came into contact with him that he was a high priest and therefore had access to God.

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