Bible Study

How to Break Generational Curses through Prayer

Breaking Generational Curses

Are you suffering from any generational curses? Did you know you can break free from them all? In this article, you will find the solution to the long-standing problem that holds you bound and become a free man.

However, before we expose you to how to be free from generational problems, let’s have a short sermon that explains what curses are first.

What are Generational Curses?

Generational curses are problems that are passed on from older generations to younger generations. It is often as a result of blood covenants that ancestors have made on behalf of themselves and their unborn generations.

One thing about inherited curses is that they are a spiritual problem. And innocent children suffer the consequences of the transgressions and blood covenants their forefathers made with evil forces.

Problems that are often inherited include terminal diseases, barrenness, mental disorders, poverty, failure, drug addiction, stubbornness and many, among others.

However, if we must say, everyone that is born of a woman has at least one inherited curse, and that is sin, which was as a result of the past actions of Adam and Eve.

Bible Verses About Generational Curses

To further explain the concept of generational curses, let’s look at it from the Bible’s perspective. The holy book speaks a lot about these kinds of ancestral problems.

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Below are some of the Generational Curses Bible verses that confirm that they are real spiritual problems.

1. Jeremiah 31:29

“In those days they shall say no more, the fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.”

This Bible confirms that transferred curses are real. It talks about how children directly suffer the consequences of the actions of their forefathers. Besides, it also highlights the fact that every action has an implication, whether immediate or not.

2. Exodus 34:7

” …visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.”

Additionally, this Bible emphasises how curses are transferred from fathers to their children. It even mentions that curses may not only affect the immediate generation, but also the third and fourth generations.

3. Galatians 3:13

“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.”

Breaking Generational Curses

As we explained earlier, inherited curses are serious problems that cannot be broken easily. One needs divine intervention to break free from all ancestral problems. If it happens that you are a victim of your forefathers covenant with evil forces, you can be liberated through prayer.

Say the following short prayer against the generational curses hanging around your head:

“Thank you God for the freedom that the crucifixion of Jesus brings. Today, I command your freedom upon my spirit, soul and body in the name of Jesus. I break every yoke of sin and ancestral curses. Your word says that whosoever the son sets free, he shall be free indeed. Therefore, I walk in the light of your glory and light from now on. Amen.”

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What is a Generational Curse according to the Bible?

In Exodus 34:7, the Bible describes it as the consequences of sin by the forefathers, which are often inherited by their children and unborn generations. This means that inherited curses are spiritual problems that are a cycle that revolves in a family due to past activities of their ancestors.

What Does the Bible Say about the Sins of the Father?

Though the Bible states expressly that the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children, it also assures us of the freedom we have through Christ when it says that this proverb shall no longer be said in Israel.

How Do you Break a Generational Cycle?

Breaking curses that are generational does not come so easily. However, it can broken through an effectual fervent prayer like that of Jabez. See What Is the Prayer of Jabez in the Bible here.


In this post, we exposed you to bloodline and generational curses as ancestral problems that come from the older generations. We listed some examples and also how to break these spiritual yokes through prayer.

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