Bible Study

God’s Wrath, Stories and Examples in the Bible

The Bible is such an important book for every Christian alive. This is because it contains many stories and events that have happened in the past, but are still relevant today. These stories teach different themes and topics, which serve as an ultimate guide for a perfect Christian living. These include our focus of attention in this post, “God’s wrath.”

What is God’s Wrath?

This is basically the unavoidable judgement that comes upon those who refuse to yield to the laws and commandments of God. We can also say that God’s wrath meaning is basically the provocation and anger of God against the stiff-necked.

Note the word “stiff-necked.” This is because there have been a lot of misconceptions about this topic. God does not just get angry and punish people, as some think. He is a merciful God, who wills that no man perish or come under eternal damnation.

Understand, however, that God is supreme. He has all the power in heaven and on earth. Yet he does not wield it anyhow. Before anyone can fall a victim of God’s wrath, they must have been warned several times and given chances to repent.

As you will find out shortly, there are many Bible verses and examples that illustrate the provocative acts of men and the damning consequences that followed.

Stories and Examples of God’s Wrath in the Bible

The Bible is replete with stories of many Bible characters that provoked God and came under his judgment. Some of them are Sodom and Gomorrah, the Great Flood, Pharoah and his men, etc. Let’s explain them further.

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1. Sodom and Gomorrah

One of the major examples of God’s wrath in the Bible is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. According to Genesis Chapter 19, the inhabitants of the cities sinned greatly against God that He was vexed and determined to destroy them.

We saw Abraham pleading on their behalf tho. The angels of God also warned Lot and his family about the imminent danger of staying behind. It is, however, shocking to discover that Lot’s wife and some of his larger household perished with the city as a result of their disobedience.

See: Who is Lot’s Wife and Why Did She Turn into a Pillar of Salt?

2. The Great Flood

The time of Noah is another significant era that witnessed the wrath of God in the Bible. This generation was so evil and corrupt that God regretted that he had created man. He therefore decided to destroy the whole earth with water.

But, did you know that despite this judgement of God imminent upon the generations of Noah, God gave them 200 years to repent while Noah was constructing the ark that would ferry those who listened to the warning? As we find out, rather than heed the warning, they mocked God and his servant, Noah.

In the end, God sent a mighty flood that lasted for forty days and night and destroyed the whole earth. Only Noah and his household, and other creatures that entered the ark were saved from God’s wrath.

3. Pharoah and the Red Sea

The stubbornness of King Pharoah and his men, and their eventual destruction in the red sea is another example from the Bible that shows the evil deeds of men that attract the wrath of God.

In his own case, Pharoah contended with the supremacy of God by not allowing the children of Israel to go. Despite the message and demonstration of God’s power through Moses, the Egyptian king remained stiff-necked and kept God’s people in bondage.

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According to the Bible, Pharoah continued to exercise absolute authority until he met his end at the red sea.

Frequently Asked Questions on God’s Wrath

1. What happens during God’s wrath?

The wrath of God often comes with great fury, such that no man will be able to overpower him. It is a time when God is provoked. As we explained earlier, the events that usually happen during this time cannot be explained by science, because God shows forth his supremacy and powers than usual.

2. How can we escape God’s wrath?

The examples provided above show that God does not just act unprovoked. In fact, in his anger, he gives room for repentance. It is only when someone ignores the space of grace that they come over badly. Simply, the way to escape God’s wrath is by obeying his commandments and staying true to his laws.


In this essay, we explain what it means to make God angry and highlight top 3 stories in the Bible as examples of God’s wrath. We also answer some frequently asked questions about our subject of discussion.

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