Christian Living

Holiness, These Are Things You Need To Know About This Term

It makes me worried and laughs when I see people mistaking holiness for righteousness.

If you are one of them or your household is one of them, don’t be shy, the difference will be emphasized below.

Being holy and righteous means almost the same things but there are differences between these two terms, read on and you will be amazed.

For you to be a righteous being, that is to say, you must be right in most things you do. You must be right morally and as well  follow the instructions that encompass your religion.

Facts About Righteousness And Holiness

In the Bible, reading from the book of Matthew 5 vs 20, you will find out that Jesus said to his people I.e you and me that if our righteousness does not supersede that of the Pharisees, and the law teachers, then heaven might not be the place for us to enter.

Being holy on the other hand means you must be purified in the presence of God, you must be filled with the holy spirit and you must not have any stain of unhealthy sins or trespasses.

As said in the Bible, you were instructed by God to live and fulfill the purpose of being holy. You need to be holy because your God in heaven is also holy.

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Holiness on the other hand is also referred to as Kedushah in Hebrew meaning. It symbolizes God himself, his holy status, and as well as spiritual culture.

Well, as a normal or fleshly being, it can be hard for you to be holy or righteous. This is because a lot of temptations will come your way and you might fall for them if you are not deeply rooted in Christ Jesus.

As we all know, Overcoming temptation is not ordinary, it takes wisdom and as well the power of God. Even pastors and high prophets still fall for several forms of temptation.

Holiness In The Bible

As said earlier, and as a biblical term, you and I were instructed to be holy by God and We must teach people what it means to be holy.

In the Bible, righteousness, and holiness still have something in common. God said to us in his words that we should be righteous and holy and without this, no man can see the lord.

Not only that But It was also said in the scripture that you must follow peace with all men and without holiness, no man or being will be able to see God in heaven.

How To Be Holy And Be Purified

To be holy comes from your mind, you must be able to give your mind to God and be open for the holy spirit to come and dwell in your mind.

You must avoid any form of sin at all costs, you must attain sexual purity, read your scripture and be righteous in all your doing.

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Importance And Benefits Of Being Holy

There are lots of benefits for those who are holy in the sight of the lord. Holiness is all you need to receive your crown of glory in heaven as promised by God.

You are already doomed if you are not holy, being holy will attract riches and God’s blessing to you as a believer.


Having read all that said about holiness in this wonderful article, you will see the importance and why you need to be righteous and holy in all your doings.

Do and Follow God’s will and purpose for your life, with this you can achieve a glorious life and live with God’s glory. I pray may God gives us the grace and power to be holy in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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