Christian Living

Hosanna Meaning In The Bible And Real Life Applications

 As Christian brethren or even unbelievers, you know and have heard about the term Hosanna time without a number. 

In Churches, During sermons, during the Crusades, and mostly during worship and praise administration. 

This term has been mentioned in many lyrics of popular and prominent singers, for example, Hillsong, Don Moen, etc. 

Does Hosanna have a meaning or Is there more to the meaning of this term? you will find out in this article when you read further

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Meaning Of The Word Hosanna And Where Does It Originate

The Word “Hosanna” emanated from the Hebrew word which means save now. It is used especially during a prayer for deliverance and set free and is often used during Christian worship.

This term is mostly used for anything that concerns praises to God. It usually expresses adoration, joy, and praise. 

After knowing what hosanna means in real life, check further to know more about it biblically and its effects on God’s presence. 

Hosanna Meaning In The Bible And How It Is Used

The word hosanna was found to appear up to 3 times and in instances in the Bible, it appeared twice in Matthew and once in the book of John. 

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As said earlier, hosanna has been used in the Christian religion for years and centuries. It is often shouted or sung as part of worship during the Palm Sunday procession.

There are many instances in the Bible concerning Hosanna, in the new testament, it was found in the book of Matthew chapter 21 vs 9 that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, people shouted and sing “Hosanna” 

This great term symbolizes a lot that you can not be able to explore all surrounding it. It is not only associated with Christianity but also with Judaism. 

As you have read about this great word and its meaning which symbolizes praise, let’s see what steps you can take to sing to the king of Kings. 

Ways In Which You Can praise God

Like it was said above, hosanna can man an act of worship, giving praises or adoring God. But there are many ways in which we can do so and praise his name. So check below to know them. 

Praising And Chanting His Name With Hymns

You should know what praise can do in your life and even the lives of your loved ones. 

Research and the Bible as well it shows that the fastest route to get to the presence of the lord or to catch his attention is by singing praises to him. 

You can give praises in many ways, you can either sing a hymn or you can gather together and sing for some hours or minutes, chanting and shouting hosanna to God in heaven. 

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Giving Him Your Thanksgiving Offering 

As Christian brethren, you know the benefits that await those who give God Thanksgiving for everything he has been doing in their life. 

Looking at the scripture, you will see the bountiful blessings God Promises that will follow those who abide by the rule. 

So among all other ways of singing Hosanna to God and giving him praise, the Thanksgiving offering is still one of the best methods to reach his heart. 


Singing Hosanna to the lord of the lord is cool and great, even the angels that were created by God in heaven are always singing and changing hallelujah and hosanna to his name.

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