Christian Living

Jesus Miracles, These Are The Wonders Jesus Performed In The Bible

We have heard about this term times without numbers, what is a miracle and where does it originate from? The answers are provided below. 

It is believed and research found that the word miracle originates from a Latin word known as Miraculum which in English means the object of wonders. The miracle is often thought to be a sign from God, which makes it an object of worship or reverence.

Aside from the definition above, a miracle can also mean many things, it can be used to describe the act of an individual who has accomplished or met out with things they set out to do. 

A miracle seems to be extraordinary in nature and it can also be a source of spiritual gifts. 

A miracle can also be seen as an event that is so unlikely as to seem impossible and so remarkable and inspiring as to seem divinely ordained.

This word is believed to be normal and natural, which means it initially comes from God. But nowadays, evil soils and demonic powers give powers to pastors who worship them so as to enable them to perform miracles on people and draw souls to the kingdom of darkness. 

When a miracle happens, it is said to be an unexpected event that cannot be explained by science because they don’t know how it was done. That shows the great amount of power that is in miracles. 

If you have been lucky enough to experience miracles at any stage of your life, you can feel and attest to how great the feeling use to be. 

Having read about the term miracle, let us go through the miracles that were performed in the Bible, especially those that were performed by Christ Jesus. 

Miracles in the bible

The miracles performed by Jesus will be the subject of concentration in this heading, now let us proceed. 

Jesus Christ was believed to be a God of wonder and he performed a lot of miracles in the Bible. Even his name up to date alone still performs strange miracles to show how mighty this man is. 

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What are the miracles Jesus performed in the Bible? Well, let us list some of them below. 

Raising Dead Lazarus From His Tomb

You as Christian brethren would have heard about this miracle that was performed by our Christ Jesus.

Among all forms of Jesus’ miracles, raising the dead from the ground is almost impossible and it is the hardest and very uncommon.

It was said in the Bible that Jesus rose up the body of Lazarus who has been dead and buried for up to four days. 

But Jesus was not surprised because he has the power to do that so he commanded the dry bones to turn into living and commanded Lazarus to come out of his tomb where he was buried. 

After Jesus performed his miracle, the two sister mary of Bethany and Martha was as happy as even Lazarus himself. 

This miracle that was performed by Jesus Christ can be found in the scripture by reading through John 11. 

Feeding Multitude With 5 Loaves Of Bread And Two Fishes

Jesus still performed another mighty miracle where he fed thousands of individuals. He went out with his 12 disciples to a party and they didn’t go with any food or water, it got to a point where people and the disciples are hungry and they started complaining. 

Jesus was not even moved a bit, he just commanded a disciple to bring the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes present at the party and bless them. 

jesus miracles

What then happens after he blessed it, it was said that foods fill everywhere and people can eat as much as possible and even left more than 12 baskets of food. 

It was said that over 5000 people were fed that day, what a great miracle indeed. 

Turning Water Into Wine

This special form of miracle was one of the greatest miracles Jesus ever did and it was also believed to be the first public miracle performed. 

He went to a wedding ceremony even with his family and there was a shortage of wine, people complained but Jesus was very calm, he just ordered a basket of water which he prayed for, and then turned the water into sweet wine. 

It was said that the wine serves everyone at the ceremony and was even left, people were highly amazed by the miracle Jesus performed. 

This miracle can be seen in the book of John 2:1-11

Healing The Woman With The Issue Of Blood

When Jesus was on a healing mission to the synagogue leader’s house and among a multitude, a woman with the issue of blood for a good 12 years ran and touched the garment of Jesus. 

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It was said that the woman was healed completely at once, the woman also spent much money on the physicians without any improvement until he met Jesus. This can be seen in the book of mark 5 vs 25-34. 

Making The Blind To See

This miracle that was performed by Jesus is also a great miracle, there was a born blind man at Siloam and when Jesus passed along with his disciples for preaching, the blind man forced himself to meet Jesus and his eyes were upon him instantly after Jesus held his eyes and prayed for him. 

Casting Out Demons

Jesus cast outs about 6000 unclean evil spirits also known as a legion to a herd of pigs, he did so because demons love roaming about. This is also one of the great miracles that were performed by Jesus. 


Having read about the importance of miracles and the great wonders that Jesus has performed from time to time, you will see that you surely need him in your life. 

In one way or the other, you might be fighting a secret battle that needs God’s intervention in the spiritual realm but if you are not rooted in him, he won’t perform the miracle for you. 

Not only that but as Christian brethren, who have the power of God, we can also perform miracles by using the name of Christ Jesus. His name still performs wonders today. 

Before performing a miracle, you must make sure your heart is connected with God, and as well one last and important thing is that you must have faith. 

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