Christian Living

What Does it mean to be baptized, symbolism of Baptism

What is Repentance?

Repentance is the step that comes after confession; it is when a person not only admits his or her fault to God but also asks for aid in overcoming that sin and cleansing one’s heart.

Repentance is defined as “being pained over one’s past and seeking forgiveness; feeling such regret for sins, transgressions, or shortcomings as produces life reformation.”

What is Baptism?

Baptism is the visible act that reflects the internal experience of coming to and recognizing Jesus Christ as real, as God incarnate, and as the sacrificial method by which those who trust in him can be forever reconciled to God. The objective of baptism is to provide visual evidence of our devotion to Christ. It is the first step in discipleship (Acts 8:26–39).

Baptism must be performed in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; this is what distinguishes “Christian” baptism. A person is accepted into the body of christ through this rite. When we are rescued, the Holy Spirit “baptizes” us into the Church of Christ.

The Symbolism of baptism

Baptism symbolizes that, just as Christ died and was buried, the baptized person is buried (physically or figuratively) underwater. And, just as Christ rose from the earth, the baptized believer rises from the water.

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The believer’s old, lifeless, heavy, suffocating life is submerged. The believer’s new, fresh, purposeful existence emerges from the river, cleaned by Christ’s blood.

What Does it mean to be Baptized?

Baptism is identical to a wedding ring. We put on a wedding band as a symbol of our love and commitment. Similarly, baptism represents dedication and faithfulness to Christ. A wedding ring informs us and others that we are part of something significant. Similarly, baptism reminds ourselves and others that we are committed to and belong to Christ. This means the person:

  • states publicly, his or her intention to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • Invites the congregation to hold him or her accountable.
  • He invites the congregation to provide direction and assistance.
  • Accepts the church’s stated mission and values.
  • They accept the same level of assistance for new believers who come after them.

Importance of Baptism

Baptism is important because Jesus commanded it.
Jesus instructed the church. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have told you,” Jesus stated just before His ascension. And I will always be with you till the end of time” (Matthew 28:19–20).

These instructions state that the church is accountable for teaching the word of Jesus, making disciples, and baptizing those disciples. These things must be carried out worldwide (“all nations”) until the “end of the era.” So, if nothing else,

The proper way of conducting water Baptism

The definition of the word “baptize” derives from a Greek phrase that means “to immerse in water.” As a result, baptism by sprinkling or pouring is an oxymoron, something that contradicts itself.

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Baptism by sprinkling means “immersion in water by spraying water on them.” By definition, baptism must be an act of immersion in water.


While baptism by immersion constitutes the most biblical way of associating with Christ, it is not required for salvation. It is an act of faith, a public declaration of faith in and affiliation with Christ. Baptism represents our leaving our old existence behind and turning into a new creation. The only style of baptism that adequately depicts this fundamental change is immersion baptism.

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