Christian Living

The True meaning of Christmas

What is Christmas?

Christmas is an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated largely on December 25 by billions of people worldwide as a religious and cultural event. A major feast in the Christian calendar year.

The True meaning of Christmas

Love is the genuine meaning of Christmas. According to (John 3:16-17), “Because God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to rescue it through him.”

Jesus was born to pay the penalty for what we have actually done: sin. God sent his only son to atone for all of our sins in order for us to not be separated from God. Without Jesus, we would all perish as a result of our sins. We adopted our sinful nature from Adam and Eve, the first humans God created. Jesus, who was both entirely God and totally man, entered the world as a newborn to save us all.

The commemoration of this magnificent act of love is the actual meaning of Christmas.

The true Christmas story is about God becoming human in the person of Jesus Christ. Why would God do something like this? Because he cares about us! Why was Christmas required? “Because we really needed a Savior!” Why does God care so much about us? because he is the embodiment of love (1 John 4:8).

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Why do we have Christmas every year? In thankfulness for everything God has done for us, we commemorate His birth by exchanging gifts, honouring Him, and being especially mindful of the poor and less fortunate.

Love is the genuine meaning of Christmas. God loves His people so much that He made a way—the only way—for us to spend eternity with Him. He sent His only Son to pay the penalty for our sins. He paid the whole price, and when we embrace that free gift of love, we are free from condemnation. “But God showed His own love for us in this: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners” (Romans 5:8).

Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?

Christians around the world celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. We honour the Savior on Christmas because we needed salvation.

Christians celebrate the Christ among whom all of God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen.” We honour the Lord who, in humility, took on “the very nature of a servant” for our sakes. Because of God’s “unfathomable gift,” we celebrate The holiday with gift-giving.

Christians string lights to celebrate Christmas because the Light of the World has arrived to us. We celebrate The holiday with songs and choruses because they communicate joy. Christmas commemorates God’s love and condescension.


The ultimate meaning of Christmas for Christians is the celebration of the Savior, Jesus Christ. We know that we are God’s daughters and sons because we believe in Christ. Heaven will one day be our permanent residence. Perhaps this can help you see the Christmas season in a new light this year. A chance to properly appreciate the season’s magnificence and amazement.

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