Bible Study

What Does it Mean to Have Mustard Seed Faith?

Mustard Seed Faith Meaning

Have you been praying for a long time and it seems no answer is on the way? The mustard seed faith might be all you need to gain heaven’s attention and receive a solution to your problem.

We understand that you might have come across different mustard seed faith sermons, articles and interpretations, and yet you don’t understand what it really means. Do not worry, we are here to help you.

In this post, you will find all you need to know about what mustard seed faith means in the Bible, as well as how to exercise this faith and rise above your problems.

Mustard Seed Faith Meaning

You might be asking, what is mustard seed faith? First off, understand that during the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, He was so full of wisdom that he spoke to his disciples in parables. And one of the parables he used then was that of the mustard seed.

Mustard seed is a type of grain that is smaller than the usual grains we know. It is so small that it can easily slip off your finger if you don’t hold it tightly. Relating it to the parable of  Jesus Christ in Matthew 17:20, mustard seedlike faith is a small but powerful trust and belief we have in God for miracles.

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However, you are not the only one asking, why mustard seed? The disciples were also interested in knowing what Christ meant by saying all they needed to do great miracles was faith as small as a grain of mustard.

Mustard seed faith means that believers do not need to overwork themselves before receiving answers from God. It is the least or lowest level of faith that God requires from those who want a need to be met in their lives.

Jesus used the parable to illustrate that if your hands are clean and your heart is right before the lord, you don’t necessarily need a ton of faith to gain heaven’s attention. This does not mean, however, that you can not grow your faith to become big.

When a person has this kind of faith, even as small as it may seem, it means that there is no shadow of doubt whatsoever about what God is capable of. In fact, the Bible called such people “blessed”, because they believe without seeing.

With a faith as small as the mustard seed, you can be delivered of any problem or disease. Even, like the disciples of Jesus, you will be able to do the work of evangelism successfully without fear of sickness and evil spirits, if you have the mustard seed faith.

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Highlights of Mustard Seed Faith

This kind of faith highlights several things that you should know as a Christian. We thought to share them with you because we believe they will help you have a smooth relationship with God.

  1. It is indispensable
  2. It is the least requirement for answers to prayers
  3. It is a symbol of trust and confidence in God
  4. It brings about quick solutions to problems
  5. It is the absence of doubt and fear
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We just showed you what faith, like the mustard seed, means and how you can have it. We have also walked you through the highlights of this level of trust that God requires from us when we ask anything in His name. Therefore, start manifesting it from now on.

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