Bible Study

Lessons from the Story of Nicodemus in the Bible

You must have heard or read the story of Nicodemus in the Bible, haven’t you? The story of the popular Pharisee can be found in John chapter 3 verses 1-21. It gives an account of how he secretly went to Jesus to find out about being born again.

Nicodemus went to Jesus at the dead of the night, when nobody could catch sight of him with Jesus. He had a series of doubts and questions inspired by the ministry of Jesus and what he had read. So he approached Him to find answers.

However, while reading the encounter of Nicodemus with Jesus in the Bible, something piqued our interest, and that is the fact that despite his wealth of knowledge of the scriptures as a Pharisee, Nicodemus still had questions that ordinary men didn’t ask while they were with Jesus.

But it is amazing to find out too that being versed in the scriptures does not necessarily mean the absence of doubt and questions. In fact, the more one is exposed to more doctrines, sermons and teachings, the more one is likely to get confused.

So, we understand very easily what inspired the pharisee to ask Jesus the questions in John chapter 3. You can read up on the Bible verse to know more about the story of Nicodemus. Meanwhile, we thought to share some lessons picked from the single encounter that Nicodemus had with Jesus that night.

Lessons from the Encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus in the Bible

Just before we get into it, you might be wondering why is Nicodemus important? One simple way to describe him was that he was a well educated and respected religious leader at his time. He also belongs to the highest religious group known as the Pharisees.

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Now, let’s dive straight into the lessons that can be learned from the story of Nicodemus in the Bible.

1. Humility

It takes special grace to stoop so low and approach Jesus in the manner Nicodemus did in the Bible. Though he was afraid of the mob and went to Jesus by night, Nicodemus considered recognised his helplessness and saw the need to find answers to his questions.

So, for us, the highlight of this story is the genuine humility of Nicodemus when he abandoned his class, position and authority to learn at the feet of Jesus Christ.

2. Respect

Another lesson to learn from the story of Nicodemus is that respect is golden. We can guess quite rightly that the pharisee was older than Jesus, yet when he approached Him, he did so with so much respect. He did not confront Jesus Christ rudely in the manner of other Pharisees instead, he called him “Rabbi.”

This means a whole lot. Respect, they say is reciprocal, isn’t it? This is also evident in the manner in which Jesus answered his questions. He did not snub him, instead, He took his time explaining the process of being born again to him.

3. Ask Questions

The story of Nicodemus in the Bible presents him as a very inquisitive person. He had a lot of questions bothering his mind. They were so many that he approached Jesus directly when he couldn’t keep them to himself any longer.

Interestingly, this single encounter with Jesus did not only entertain his curiosity but also led him to salvation. So, we can see that asking questions is a good habit that we should imbibe. After all, a problem shared is half-solved, they say.

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4. Wisdom in Listening

Another highlight from the encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus shows that there is a great wisdom in listening. When Nicodemus came to Jesus with his questions, Jesus did not rebuff him. He did not judge him by his reasons for his office or past life, either. He brought wisdom forward by listening to him and answering him in the most humble and mature way.

There are many other lessons to be learned from the story of Nicodemus in the Bible, but we will stop here for now and address some of the pressing ideas that people want to know about this Bible character.

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5. Gratitude

Gratitude is another virtue that can be seen in the life of Nicodemus. After his encounter with Jesus, which later led to his conversion, Nicodemus went on to show gratitude by helping to give a befitting burial to Jesus Christ.

John 19:39 recorded that the pharisee provided the mixture of myrrh and aloes that were used to cleanse the wound and body of Jesus. He was with Joseph of Arimathaea throughout the burial of Jesus.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who was Nicodemus and what did he Do?

Nicodemus was a religious leader and pharisee. He went to Jesus secretly to ask questions about how to be born again.

2. Why was Nicodemus Important to Jesus?

Nicodemus was important to Jesus because he played a significant role after His death. He helped to give Jesus a befitting burial by providing the necessary embalming materials in the Jewish tradition.

3. How many Times is Nicodemus Mentioned in the Bible?

Nicodemus appeared 5 times in the Bible. His story can be found in the book of John.

4. Was Nicodemus Saved in the Bible?

Though there was no clear evidence in the Bible that Nicodemus was saved, several facts point out to his conversion. One of them was the deep sense of gratitude he showed by honouring Jesus with a befitting burial.


This article has exposed you to the story of Nicodemus in the Bible, as well as the lessons to be learned from his encounter with Jesus.

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