Christian Living

Principalities And Powers, Understand Something About These Two Terms

Well, we have heard of the term principalities, in churches and during sermons and as well as prayer sessions, on how often this word is being called.

Principality seems like an evil term and it also means spiritual powers in demonic places. This is not where it ends, there are lots of meanings to the term principalities

In the dictionary, principalities can mean sovereignty, power, the position of a chief, or the authority of a ruler such as a priest. 

Other words describe principalities as a territory that has been granted some degree of autonomy without being fully independent. 

principalities and evil powers are unseen forces that can be found in all levels of society, from the institutions of government to the family.

Well among all these forms and definitions of principalities, we are going to look at the spiritual aspects of it which is the one in the Bible. 

We shall discuss the wickedness of the evil principalities and powers ruling the world. Now take a glass cup of wine and follow me as I proceed.

Principalities And Powers In the Bible

Principalities and evil powers are the unseen spiritual forces of darkness that are at work in the world, seeking to control humanity and bring us into captivity to their power.

The Bible speaks about principalities and evil powers in a variety of contexts. These include the fall of Satan, who was the first great principality; the temptation of Eve by Satan, Jesus’ victory over Satan on the cross; and our struggle against principalities and powers as we live out our faith in this world.

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Verses Of The Bible That Teaches Us About Principalities

Principalities and evil powers are mentioned in the Bible. The Bible teaches that there is a spiritual battle between good and evil forces. These principalities and evil powers are mentioned in Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 1:16, and 1 Peter 5:8.

These two terms “principalities and powers” are used in numerous different ways throughout the Bible context. But the commonest of all usage refers to a spiritual hierarchy of angels and demons who are at war with each other. 

Having learned a lot here, let’s look at ways in which principalities can exist in the spiritual world. 

Form In Which Principalities Can Exist

Principalities and powers can exist in various forms, it can be from your family, friends, colleagues, or evil ones who are planning evil plots against your life. It can even be in the form of demonic power or demons controlling and taking over your life. 

People who want to hold control of your life and your career can be seen as a principality. That is why it is said in the Bible that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but the powers of the kingdom of darkness. 

This quote helps us to understand that flesh and blood are not the most difficult to fight in a spiritual battle but the evil powers are the most difficult. 

If you find out that your life might have been under the control of the evil powers, what will you do, where should you go? What should you pray about? let us discuss them in this article below.  

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Prayers Against Principalities And Powers

As said earlier, the hardest force to face in a spiritual battle is the evil ones. It can take a lot of time, and even energy to get you set free from their evil powers. 

What will you do if your life is in control of the wicked powers? Don’t panic, you need to go into prayer if possible fasting and prayer. You might do it for some days, connecting yourself to the almighty God to deliver you. 

If you find it difficult, you can also meet a powerful prophet of God, God has made it easy for us by providing great and powerful prophets to help us spiritually



What are we saying in essence in this article? The power of God is the greatest of all principalities and powers. Just put your hope on him and live a righteous and holy life and see him setting you free from your foes. 

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