Bible StudyChristian Living

Proverb 31, See The Book Of The Bible That Speaks About Women Virtue

Proverb 31, what is special about this certain chapter of the bible? Well, there are many things and knowledge surrounding this great verse of the bible and you are going to learn it all in this article. 

Before going fully to check what was written in proverb 31, let’s digest more understanding about the Book of Proverbs so the newbies or those who are not familiar with the books of the bible can also have a better understanding and relate. 

What Is Special About The Book Of The Bible Called Proverb?

The book of the bible known as the proverb is said to be filled with lots of knowledge, powers, and wisdom that can help human beings to find their flaws and when they are doing a thing wrongly.

Proverbs are a form of wisdom literature that is found in many cultures and languages. They have been used since ancient times as a way to teach moral lessons.

There is more to explore about the book of proverbs but in this article, we are going to talk about a special and popular verse called proverb 31. 

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Proverb 31 And Why It Is So Special

Proverbs 31 is a passage in the Bible that tells of a woman who is committed to her family and home.

It starts with describing a woman with good character who works with her hands; she is praised for qualities such as wisdom, kindness, and generosity. The passage also mentions that she takes care of those in need.

Proverbs 31 is a Bible verse that has been applied to life and work. It teaches us the importance of being a godly woman and the significance of being an industrious wife.

The Proverb 31 life application is a verse from the book of Proverbs. It is also known as the “Wife of Noble Character” passage because it speaks about the qualities that a woman should possess in order to be considered noble.

More Applications Of Proverb 31 To Woman

This proverb is often quoted by women who want to find the perfect partner for themselves and their families, but it can also be used by men who want to find themselves a wife with these qualities.

In this same proverb 31,  it is said that women should pursue the purpose of getting the wisdom of God and not the wisdom of the world. She must be focused on the truth of God because her full duty and desire are to honor God almighty. 

Proverb 31 still has lots of more interesting folks and proverbs that can also be beneficial to the male counterfeit. 

What Does Proverb 31 Say About Men

In the same proverb 31, it was said that men should not spend their strength on women nor spend their vigour or energy on those who ruin kings(referring to the women).

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In the same proverb, it was commanded that we should give bear and drinks to those who are perishing or in anguish. He said to let them drink to forget their poverty and remember not their mystery no more.


Proverb 31 is mainly focused on the female counterfeit as it shows how a woman must have good qualities and dignity for her husband.

The verse of the bible is talking about virtues and as a virtuous woman, you will get dignity and honor from your husband and he will give you all the value you desire. 

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