Christian Living

Tares, How Does It Relates With Weeds? See Full Story Here

In English definition, tares are used for making a drink called tea. Countries like China and India have a lot of these plants. 

Not only India and China but many other countries still have these great plants. 

It has been on the earth since many centuries ago and it has shown a lot of great benefits, especially when used for medicinal purposes. 

Apart from being a highly medicinal plant or tree, it also provides lots of calories when cooked alongside other diets.

How Do They Germinate? 

These rare plants seem to grow or germinate in extreme conditions such as a low temperature of about minus 150degreee in celsius. 

This plant is a native plant and it is now very popular in the world and often seen as an invasive species because it tends to grow very quickly and fast. 

Tares are often confused as weeds to some other people, many weeds such as dandelion, are often mistaken as tears because they possess the same long, thin, and small white flowers that grow in clusters at the end of the long stem.

When crushed or brushed,  tares give out a very distinctive smell.

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Having defined what tares seem to be in an ordinary definition or in a layman’s understanding, lets us get to know more about this term as used in the bible and what it stands for. 

Tares Meaning In The Bible

In the bible, tares are mentioned as a parable when compared to weeds, this can be seen in the book of Matthew chapter 13 verses 24-43 when Jesus Christ speaks to his disciples in the bible. 

The story or parable of the tares is used to show how Jesus relates to how servants are eager to pull up the tares or weeds and he advised them that if they did so, they will pull out all the weeds so it is advisable that they leave both together until it is time for a harvest.

What Do Tares Represent In The Bible?

Tares as used in the bible represent evil doctrines that were made by those who spread them. As the parable was given by Jesus again in a clear understanding, 

There was a man who planted wheat on his farmland and when he was asleep, someone came to the farm and planted tares.

This plant looks like wheat as both grow together in the same farmland and blades of the tares and wheat break through the ground.

Moral Of The Story Of Tares Among The Weeds

In the parable of the wheat against the tares, God teaches what is called patience and he told us that he has a good plan for our lives, and he is working towards accomplishing them. 

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What are we saying in essence? Jesus loves you and he has a plan for all of us. All he is expecting from us as a believer is to be patient with him.

As a Christians or believers, we have to stay on track keeping our hope and waiting patiently for us to reap the good harvest that we have sowed.

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