Christian Living

What Does Jesus Mean In The Bible And Mystery Surrounding His Birth

What does Jesus mean? As a Christian brethren, you would have heard about this time without number in churches, crusades, or during Christian gatherings. 

This name can have different meanings, and regarding our daily lives, it can mean different things. 

Sub-names Of Jesus

What we are trying to explain here is Christ  have many sub-names, to some people they called him Yeshua, some people call him God, some Emmanuel, some Jireh, and many others call him all sort of names. 

These names or sub-names that were given to him or called by people also have their own meanings in English definition. 

Emmanuel which means God is with is also used to name many children in the world at large. Jireh means God almighty will provide. All these names that we call Him have their own meaning and life applications. 

Now our main business in this article is to define what Jesus really means in real life and in the bible, we won’t end here as we will also give definitions and life applications of names given to him. Now, take a glass cup of wine and follow me as I proceed. 

What Does Jesus Mean In English

The popular name is said to have been derived from a Hebrew word called Yeshua his which means God will rescue or God will save.

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In Spanish-speaking countries, It is said to be common and to be the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua. 

In Anglican meaning, Jesus is said to be a Latin name called Jesus which also means God Is Salvation. 

As said above that Jesus means to rescue or to save, then we can call him that saviour  or our saviour.

The word Jesus is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua.

Christ is a figure in Christianity. He is believed to be the Son of God, and he was crucified and resurrected to free people from the bondage of their sins and as well to provide salvation for all people.

Spiritual Meaning Of Jesus

As shown in the bible, It means God in man form, he passes through all the faces that a normal pass through in showing life problems. 

He passed through lots of suffering, hurts, temptations, and trials and yet he still didn’t commit any sin. 

As spiritual as it may seem, there is lots of power in his name and he is capable of doing the impossible, and he is the greatest of all power on earth and in heaven except God.

How Great Is The Name of Jesus

The name Jesus is great for many reasons and as well many purposes, as it seems easy to spell and read, it is very important we know more about this name as Christian brethren, you can’t do without having him.

In the bible, the name Jesus has done a lot of great miracles that even at the call of his name, demons and Satan bow and confess that he is the God of all.

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He said in the bible that unless we are born again through our Christ Jesus, he will b far from entering or seeing the kingdom of God. 

Importance Of The Name Of Jesus

The name of Jesus is important to Christians. It is the holiest name of Jesus, and it has been given to him by God. 

In Christianity, the name of Jesus is believed to be a powerful force that can heal sickness, cure diseases and bring people back from the dead.


Having read what the name Jesus implies and how powerful it is, it was said that it can be used for many instances and purposes. 

In times of trouble or affliction, you don’t need to panic or be fearful as a true believer that Jesus came to save you, just call on his name and he will settle your case. 

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