Christian Living

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?, where does the bible stand with Abortion

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

However, the absence of an explicit reference to abortion has not prevented its opponents or supporters from turning to the Bible for support.

Abortion opponents point to various biblical verses that imply that human life has value before birth. The Bible, for example, begins by recounting the creation of humanity “in the image of God”. a way to emphasize the importance of human existence, presumably before people are born. Similarly, the Bible identifies other prominent persons, notably the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah, as having been called to their sacred assignments from the time they were conceived. According to Psalm 139, God “knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

The term “abortion” in the Bible does not refer to the induced expulsion of a human fetus. However, many Bible scriptures express God’s perspective on human life, including the life of an unborn child.

God has given us life. (Psalm 36:9; Genesis 9:6) He regards all life as valuable, including the life of a kid in the womb. So it is murder if someone purposefully murders an unborn kid.

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A controversial passage in the bible.

God’s Law to the Israelites asserted: “If men fight and hurt a pregnant woman, and she gives birth unexpectedly but there is no tragedy, the offender must pay the damages imposed on him by the woman’s husband, and he must pay it through the judges.” However, you must offer life for life if a fatality occurs.” Exodus 21:22–23

This passage involves a significant ambiguity that becomes clear when we ask, “no harm” to whom? Is the sentence of ‘life for life’ enforced solely when the woman is harmed? Is it also imposed to protect her children?

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For those who still live in guilt about their past abortions

You may know a friend who has had an abortion, or perhaps you have had one yourself. I don’t know your story or your circumstances, but I do know this: abortion does not surprise Jesus. He knows everything about you, and he wants to relieve you of the crushing guilt and unbearable suffering. He desires to cleanse you with grace and set you free. You can also make some prayers of healing.

When Jesus accepts you, you become one with him. He petitions God on your behalf. And do you know what our all-powerful Father God says? “You have indeed been crucified with Christ; you have already been judged; you are now hidden in Jesus.” You are my child, and I am pleased with you.” God knows and loves you completely.

And the most lovely part? Your youngster is expecting you. He or she is with Jesus, and when she wonders when she will see you again, Jesus simply says, “Tomorrow,” for one day in his courts is equivalent to 1,000 years on this planet.

FAQs (Frequently asked questions) on abortions

Will God forgive me or anyone who has had an abortion?

Those who have undergone abortions are forgiven by God. They do not need to be plagued with guilt if they now accept God’s perspective on life. “Jehovah is gracious and caring…” He has placed our misdeeds as far away from us as the sunrise is from the twilight.” b (Psalm 103:8-12) Psalm 86:5 says that Jehovah will pardon anybody who truly repents of their previous transgressions, even abortion.

Is Abortion wrong if the mother’s or child’s life is in danger?

A person would not be justified in having an abortion because of a potential health danger to the mother or child, based on what the Bible says about the life of an unborn child.

What about the uncommon case in which an emergency during childbirth requires the mother to choose between saving her own life and saving the baby? In such a circumstance, all involved must make a personal decision about which life to attempt to preserve.

Is it possible to be both Christian and have an abortion?

According to the Bible, a Christian is someone who has accepted God’s offer of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection. God’s gift of salvation is received through faith in the accomplished work of Jesus Christ (John 3:16-18; Ephesians 2:8-9). “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new,” says 2 Corinthians 5:17. When we surrender our lives to Christ, He begins to alter us: our thinking and our behavior (see Isaiah 55:7). Our bodies become the Holy Spirit’s temple. Through the truth of God’s Word, our minds are refreshed. Our attitudes, viewpoints, and behaviors gradually shift to more closely resemble those of Christ (Romans 8:29).

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Why shouldn’t I get an abortion?

Abortion is the intentional termination of human life while the child is still in the womb. We know it’s alive because it grows and changes. We know it’s human because basic biology informs us that opposites attract. This reality was established by God in the first chapter of Genesis when He instructed all living things to reproduce “after their sort” (Genesis 1:11, 24, 28). Because the parents are human, the unborn life within the mother is also human. Abortion is thus the intentional annihilation of that unborn human life. That is one compelling argument not to have an abortion.

How can I heal and recuperate after having an abortion?

See For those who still live in guilt about their past abortions


We can conclude from the Bible that abortion is wrong. Unborn babies are recognized and named in the Bible, and their worth is assigned by God. In addition, the Bible forbids the shedding of innocent blood. As a result, Christians should oppose abortion.


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