Christian Living

What Is A Concubine? This Is What You Need To Know About Concubine

The term “concubine” is simply a woman who is sexually attracted to a married man. She can also have other sexual relations outside. This woman is powerless in the household of a man to whom she’s not married. 

What Did The Bible Say About Concubine?

Concubines were common in biblical times, and they were often the wives of the master of the household.

The Bible doesn’t mention concubines by name, but they are mentioned in Numbers 12:1-8 when Miriam and Aaron criticize Moses for taking a Cushite woman as his wife.

What Is The Main Goal Of A Concubine?

The main purpose of a concubine to a man was for pleasure and to produce male children for the man as his heir, children from a concubine have less opportunity to be part of the inheritance of the man.

 In most cases, the concubine benefits materially and in dignity, also her family might benefit from the man through the woman.

Did God Approves Getting A Concubine?

This term simply means a woman who has a sexual relationship with a man, but she does not have the same status as his wife.

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The Bible does not precisely state that God is of support having concubines. The Bible only mentions that they are to be treated well and given rights and privileges that other women in the household do not have.

Are There Consequences For Having A Concubine?

In the past, many people would have concubines. In some cultures, and traditions concubines were considered to be wives.

The difference between a wife and a concubine was that a wife is the wife of one man while a concubine is the wife of many men and also the woman who has an extramarital affair with another man.

Some people would say that there are consequences to having a Concubine in today’s society.

Some people might say that it is wrong to have an extramarital affair with someone else’s spouse because it is disrespectful to them and their families.

Other people might argue that if they were not married before then they should not be married now so there are no consequences or disrespect at all.

Verses In The Bible That Concerns Concubine

In the Bible, there are many mentions of concubines. The first mention of concubines in the Bible can be found in Genesis 16:2-4 where Hagar was sent out by Sarai to find food and water for her family.

When Hagar returned with an abundance of animals, Sarai became jealous and she used her maidservant to try to drive Hagar away.

When Hagar refused to leave, Sarai sent her away again; this time with Isaac’s son Ishmael as well

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Other verses in the Bible that talk about concubines include; 1 Kings 11:3, Judges 8:30-31, and 2 Samuel 5:13.


In conclusion, a concubine is a word that is used to describe a woman who is not married to a man and lives with him. The term concubine has been used for many years and it is still being used today.

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