Christian Living

Where Was Jesus Crucified? These Are The Things You Need To Know About The Crucification Of Jesus

Jesus is the son of the highest God who came and died for us all and for the cleansing of our sins. The prophecy from the prophet Isaiah is a clear truth that Jesus Christ is our Messiah. This is a quite short story of Jesus, his birth, baptism, and death.

The Birth Of Jesus

 Almost 2,000 years ago a young woman from the town called Nazareth named Mary was visited by an angel named the Archangel Gabriel.

Gabriel told Mary that she would have a son named Jesus and that he would be the Son of the living God. At that time, Mary was betrothed to her soon-to-be husband Joseph.

When Mary told Joseph he was not happy. The Angel Gabriel visited Joseph in the dream and told him that Mary would be pregnant from the Lord and that she would have a son named Jesus who would save the people from their sins.

 Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem to be part of the censors that were ordered by the Roman emperor. Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem but there was no room for them to stay.

The rooms have been filled up. Seeing that Mary was due to deliver her child, the owner of a room where animals are kept told Joseph that they could stay in his stable.

More Details About The Birth Of Jesus

Mary went into labor and she delivered a baby boy and he was named Jesus. Jesus Christ was born in a manger, a place where animals are kept, The angel of the Lord appeared to some shepherds who were watching their flocks by night in the fields. 

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The angel told them about the good news of the birth of the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ. The shepherds immediately went on a search for the baby Jesus, which the angel had told them about, they found little Jesus sleeping in the manger. 

Then the angel of the Lord appeared to three men who were studying the stars, they were called three wise men, they were called e wise men because they refused to tell King Herod where the child is.

Herod the king of Judah at that time met with the three wise men and told them to come back and let him know where the baby king was so that he too would go and worship him as well. 

The wise men took another path to continue their journey as they refused to listen to Herod. The three wise men saw baby Jesus and worshipped him, they brought him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The Baptism Of Jesus Christ

The Baptism of Jesus Christ immediately marked the beginning of his mission to save the world. He didn’t baptize because he’s guilty of a sin or fault but to clarify that he’s one of us.

John who’s a cousin to Jesus Christ baptized Him and the Glory of God was upon him like a dove, and a voice from heaven saying “This is my lovely son with whom I’m pleased. Jesus Christ was 30 years old when he was baptized by John the Baptist.

Where Was Jesus Christ Crucified?

Jesus was sentenced to death by the Governor of the Roman empire of Judaea called Pontius Pilate. In those days, it was a tradition that two prisoners would be brought out for the people to set free while the other prisoner crucified.

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Barabas the thief at that time was brought out with Jesus Christ, but the people chose Barabas to be set free, while Jesus Christ was crucified. Jesus was flogged, they spat on him, pushed him, wear him a crown of thorns.

They got to a place called Golgotha which in Aramaic means ‘The place of the skull’ and in Latin means ‘Calvaria’

What Is The Importance Of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion?

The main reason for Jesus Christ to die for us is to cleanse us from our sins and draw us closer o God our father. The death of Jesus brought us peace, faith, happiness, and a chance to be called Children of God again.

Prayers And Verses Concerning Where Jesus Was Crucified

The story of how Jesus died is recorded in the scriptures. So we should study the ether verses to gain more knowledge about what we have been reading so far. Matthew 27:46, Luke 23:34, Luke 23:43.


Now that we have known how Jesus was born, how He was baptized, why He was baptized by John the Baptist, and where he died or where He was crucified, we should know that Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy of the prophets of old.

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