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Cat Therapist: All You Need To Know

Hearing the words ‘Cat Therapist’ may sound strange. Perhaps it gives you the impression of a cat giving therapy. You’re correct Cat therapist does refer to a cat with therapeutic abilities that helps people.

Cats may not be certified for rescue operations or in service operations like dogs, but they are highly skilled in offering peaceful companionship. Therapy cats follow the patterns established by therapy dogs but in a more public setting.

In this article, I will be discussing therapy cats, why there are therapy cats, and what they do.

Cat Therapist: The Difference between a Therapy Animal and Emotional Support Animal

The major difference between a therapy animal and an emotional support animal is their training and who they help. A therapy cat is trained to help a variety of people while an emotional support cat is likely to help just his owner.

According to Haylee Bergeland CPDT-KA, RBT and Founder and Executive Director of Iowa Human-Animal Bond Society (IHABS), “A therapy animal has been trained specifically to do therapy work, including providing comfort and support.” This means that they have undergone specific tests for skills suitable to work in therapy environments.

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A Cat Therapist visits public places in the community such as schools, nursing homes, and hospitals to provide comfort for residents and attendees. Emotional support animals, on the other hand, do not have such permission. For example, certain laws prohibit you from taking your emotional support animal to a restaurant, hotel, or workplace. Plus, an emotional support animal has not been trained specifically to work with others. They only benefit their owners.

Can Cats Be Therapists?

Reports from The Human-Animal Bond Research Institute show that cats offer many therapeutic benefits, such as:

  • Enabling a better heart health
  • Reducing stress and pain
  • Giving a stronger immune system
  • Decreased symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mood and behavioral conditions
  • Lessening feelings of loneliness
  • heightening abilities to form social connections

What Does A Cat Therapist Do?

Cat therapists are fairly rare. Not all cats possess the ability to give therapy but those that do perform certain therapeutic behaviors like kisses on the cheeks, chin, and head, petting that prompts a human to release “feel good” enzymes, and lower the stress hormone.

How To Find A Cat Therapist

If you’re in need or know anyone who would benefit from a therapy cat, you can contact or visit a reputable therapy animal organization. These organizations will help you find a therapy cat or any other therapy animal that suits you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes A Cat A Therapy Cat?

A therapy cat is a cat trained to provide support, emotionally, physically or medically, to humans in need.

How Do Cats Help With Depression?

Petting or stroking the cat can improve your mood

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How Do Emotional Support Cats Help?

Emotional support cats help to reduce stress and blood pressure levels in their owners.


Before reading this article, you were probably surprised by the term ”Cat Therapist.” However, from this article, I believe you now know what therapy cats are, what to do and where to find one.

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