Making Money Online

How To Get Free Items On Amazon

The world’s most influential market and valuable brands -Amazon is offering free items with just a click. This is a supreme opportunity on how you can savings a priority and invest your money than to spend on goods that could be gotten for free on Amazon just with few steps to follow.

With the high rise on goods and services, this article will brilliantly guide you through how you can mobilize your savings for individual’s welfare and get free items on Amazon. 

Read below!


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  1. Search for Freebies on Amazon 

It is so simple. Just Search for freebies on Amazon. You’ll see the various list of Amazon free products that won’t even require you to subscribe. 

You can select anything that interests you among the available items on freebies.

There’s no better way to savings than getting some of your needs for free.


  1. Become a member of the Amazon Vine

All you have to do is to dive into the receiving world of Amazon. Write reviews on Amazon. Amazingly, you’re qualified to get free items on Amazon without touching your savings.

Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program which selects the most insightful reviewers in the Amazon store to serve as Vine Voices. Vine Voices have the unique opportunity to order items free of charge and share their product experiences with Amazon customers to help them make informed buying decisions. If your reviews have been seen by Amazon and appreciated by the public, you are at edge of getting free items

  1. Offer to Write Product Reviews for Smaller Sellers Directly

This is another big earning on Amazon. This reviews is to reach out to sellers directly.

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Search for the type of product you want, look for an option that’s on the lower end of the price scale and that has less reviews than the top selling competitors, navigate to the seller page. 

Most sellers are listed under the “Buy Now” button, ask for the item in exchange for a review.


  1. Free cloud storage. 

This is a huge opportunity to Amazon premium members. You’ll be liable for unlimited cloud storage with 5GB video and photo storage for free. Don’t be heartbroken, it is also available for non-members..

  1. Trade – in program

This helps to get a better product on Amazon. Amazon has a trade-in program that offers 20-25% off new eligible Amazon devices and an Amazon gift card equal to the item’s appraised value. 

In summary


Don’t waste your time and resources when shopping online. This article has highlighted proven-stuff  you can get for free on Amazon without spending your savings.

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