
10 Places to Get Cheap Baby Stuff

No one likes spending too much money on purchases not even Mums. Baby stuff can be really expensive making you spend so much. However, you don’t have to spend so much on getting items for your baby. There are several places you can get cheap baby stuff; these places will help you cut costs on that massive baby budget.

Places to Get Cheap Baby stuff

1. NCT Nearly New Sales

The NCT (National Childbirth Trust) is the largest parent charity organization in the UK. They hold a Nearly New Sale two times a year. During these sales, nearly new and sometimes brand new children and baby clothes, shoes, toys, and other baby stuff are sold at ridiculously cheap prices.

These sales take place in the spring and early/late fall.

2. Mum2mum Market

Mum2mum market is also a great place to get baby stuff at cheap rates. Several nearly-new baby and maternity goods are sold by mums to other mums. The mum2mum market operates like a P2P market system; the only difference here is that trade is between mums.

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The good thing about the mum2mum market is that you get buy directly from the seller. This will give you a better opportunity to negotiate well.

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3. Facebook Market Place

Facebook Marketplace is a known marketplace on Facebook for buying and selling a lot of things; equally, it is a great place to get cheap baby stuff. It is an online marketplace that allows people to buy and sell goods of all categories (brand new, used, and fairly used).

The market has some rules and regulations that guide its trading system. These rules help ensure fair trade amongst users.

4. Facebook Groups

Like Facebook marketplace, Facebook groups also exist on Facebook. They are online groups on Facebook, where buying and selling of several items are done. Most of these groups are usually private and for some of these groups, only members in a particular location can perform trades in the group.

5. Ikea

Ikea has a reputation for having affordable nursery furniture and baby feeding items as well. With Ikea, you can get your baby cribs, baths, feeding bottles, and so on at a ridiculously cheap amount.

6. Vinted

Vinted is an online marketplace with a lot of baby items available for sale. On Vinted, you have access to cribs, toys, strollers, baby bottles, breast pumps, nursing pillows, baby carriers and slings, nappy bags, and nappies, all at cheap rates.

7. Asda George

ASDA George is a well-known place to always get cheap baby stuff. They are highly recommended for baby clothes, feeding equipment, and nursery items.

Also, if you create an account with them, you will be more discounts when you shop at any ASDA George store.

8. Primark

If you want a place that offers numerous baby outfits at the cheapest price, then Primark is just the place for you. They are the ultimate place to get affordable baby clothes.

9. Savers and Home Bargains

On Savers and Home Bargains, you are sure to get amazing discounts on baby toiletries. They sell branded items like Aveeno baby lotion, Bepanthen, Persil, and Fairy non-bio detergents at insanely cheap prices.

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You can also get cheap but quality nursery décor items from Savers and Home Bargains.

10. Patpat

Last on our list of places to get cheap baby stuff is Patpat. If you’re looking for a baby store that sells the loveliest and cutest baby clothes at cheap rates, Patpat is just the store for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get cheap baby stuff for free?

You can get cheap baby stuff for free through:

  1. Amazon Baby Registry
  2. Buy Buy Baby Registry
  3. Target Baby Registry
  4. Walmart Baby Registry

When should I start buying baby stuff UK?

Many expecting parents prefer to wait to buy baby stuff until they find out the gender of their baby. This generally happens between 18 and 21 weeks, but some people find out as early as 12 weeks.

Which shop is best for babies?

MiniRoo is the best shop for babies


Buying items for your baby doesn’t have to be an expensive exercise anymore. With these ten places to get cheap baby stuff listed above, you can quality and affordable baby items for your child.

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