Side Hustle

7 High-Paying Side Hustles For People With Disabilities

Welcome to this interesting guide on high-paying side hustles for people with disabilities. I open with a question, “Have you ever thought that people with disabilities also need an extra source of income?” They may even need it more than we do. Every year, the number of people with disabilities continues to rise. Statistics taken in 2010 show that about 56.7 million people are disabled in the US, and the number is not declining.

We cannot claim to know what goes on in their daily life; a large number of this population does not have a higher degree and are unemployed, hence the need to discuss some high-paying side hustles for people with disabilities.

So, if you are a disabled person reading this, worry no more, respite has come. This guide will lead you by the hand to opportunities you might not have thought existed to make money with your situation. Kindly go through the recommendations below, pick the option that suits you best and begin to make money. 

List of Prominent High-Paying Side Hustles for People with Disabilities

1. Writing

Writing is a beautiful high, paying side hustle for people with disabilities. Writing helps us express ourselves better and can help us have a voice. You can choose to write for people’s blogs, write books/novels/guides/manuscripts and sell. You can also work as a proofreader and editor, a book reviewer, and a book analyst. These are all awesome ways to earn a decent income from content writing especially if you follow these useful tips for success.

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2. Research 

Disabled people, with the right tools, can carry out desktop research, interviews, surveys, and other things needed in the research process. They are likely to succeed, especially regarding research on people with disabilities. This is a high-paying side hustle for people with disabilities.

3. Graphics Designing

Designing, just like writing, is another way to express oneself. It is a form of communication that talks to its audience by using images to tell stories or send a message. Graphics design is broad and can earn you a lot of money; it is considered a high-paying side hustle for people with disabilities and ordinary people.

4. Taking Online surveys

You won’t earn a ton from just one survey. Still, it has made the list of high-paying side hustles for people with disabilities because it is simple and less time-consuming. You can even take surveys while relaxing and watching TV. 

5. Photography

Photography can be animal, object, people, or nature photography. Some people love interacting with nature by getting lost in the panoramic view of the sea and appreciating the beauty of the sky, mountains, etc. You can earn while appreciating the beauty of mother nature.

6. User Interface (UI) Developer

There is plenty of money to earn from tech. Although UI development is a simpler aspect of tech, it is one of the high-paying side hustles to consider for anyone. Your earnings will have no limit as long as you keep getting gigs and you can work on your schedule. To add to this, you can also do Graphic designing.

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7. Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is a lovely, high-paying side hustle that makes you money for sitting pets. Like a pet nanny! And it can bring in as high as $21,000 for you.


Everyone needs extra money, and having a disability should not hinder you from making that extra cash. You can start earning by considering any high-paying side hustles for people with disabilities discussed in this article. 

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