Making Money Online

Where To Write Essays and Get Paid In 2022: 11 Recommendations.

Do you know that if you have a strong command of English alongside familiarity with the specifics of essay writing you can make huge money online? Yes, that’s possible. You can make up to $50 for each essay you submit. This article will give you an insight into where to write essays and get paid in 2022. Read down and get the full information.

11 Places To Write Essays and Get Paid In 2022

The 11 places to write essays and get paid in 2022 are captured below, briefly.

  1. CEO Hangout:

CEO Hangout ranks first on where to write essays and get paid in 2022. Here, you will write essays about business moguls’ lifestyles and other newsworthy topics and earn a decent income online. For each essay that you write about a CEO’s successes, you can get paid $50.

  1. Lifezette

At Lifezette, you can write on parenting, politics, and religion and make money online. You can also get paid to write essays about pop culture and health. Here, you can earn $100 – $200 for 1500 – 3000 word writings.

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  1. The Establishment

The Establishment is the 3rd on the list of where to write essays and get paid in 2022. The site accepts personal articles with distinctive ideas as well as essays that focus on women. Like the first 2 sites so far discussed, their pay is good.

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  1. SmartSet

On SmartSet, you can publish personal writings on various subjects and get paid 0.07 cents per word for essays between 1000 and 3000 words.

  1. Slice

Slice is another site where you can write essays and make money in 2022. This platform is provided and managed by Slice magazine. If you are a writer that is hoping to become a literary legend, this venue is ideal for you as can contribute passages from your books or poetry here and earn about $250 for essays up to 5000 words.

  1. Motherwell

Motherwell ranks sixth on the list of places to write essays and get paid in 2022. On this platform, you can write essays of not less than 1200 words about parenting and motherhood and earn $50 and above.

  1. Bugle Magazine

With Bugle Magazine, you can make money online by penning essays about elk hunting, dialogue, environmental concerns, and wildlife management. For every essay that you write between 1000 and 3000 words, you will get paid $0.20 per word which is roughly $200 to $600.

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  1. Extra Crispy

On Extra Crispy, you can write essays related to food and earn a good income online. Also, if your essay is between 800 and 1000 words, you will get paid $0.47 per word.

  1. Christian Science Monitor – Home Forum

On this platform, you can write essays on subjects like parenthood, community, family, gardening, and travel. You can earn from $75 to $150 for 400 to 800-word essays.

  1. BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed ranks 10th on the list of where to write essays and make money in 2022. For every personal essay, you write that expresses your opinion or describes a personal experience, this site will pay you between $0.13 and $0.27 per word.

  1. The Bold Italic

The Bold Italic magazine offers $50 for each essay on a variety of subjects including the gig economy, mental illness, online dating, and other issues. It is a highly promising place to get paid to write essays in 2022.

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If you enjoy writing, writing essays and getting paid will be a huge plus for you. In essence, you are doing what you enjoy while making money with it. However, before you choose where you want to write essays and get paid, consider these factors: pay per essay, availability of essays, niches, payment method, and time limit. I wish you success in your monetized essay writing journey.

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