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3 Ways to Get Paid to Listen to Calls (2022)

Has it ever crossed your mind that you can get paid to listen to calls? Yes, you can earn money while listening to calls. Many companies and businesses hire people to listen to and analyze their phone calls. So, within this article, I will bring to your notice the major 3 ways to listen to calls and earn money. Read with me while I show you these 3 ways.

Get Paid to Listen to Calls | 3 Confirmed Ways

Here are the 3 ways to get paid to listen to calls:

1. Humanatic

Humanatic is a software application that allows companies to analyze their phone calls in-depth. This software does not need the use of computers to transcribe and interpret recorded phone calls. Instead, it hires people like you from all over the world to do the job of listening to recorded calls and writing reports that will be useful to analyze clients’ calls.

Besides, you will need a valid and verified PayPal account to access Humanatic to get paid to listen to calls. When you have access to Humanatic, you can place and receive calls in two simple categories in exchange to earn money. Over time, you’ll get access to new categories that give you more opportunities to listen to calls and earn money. Every week, you can earn money on Humanatic by listening to and evaluating calls.

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2. Reynolds & Reynolds

Reynolds and Reynolds is another way for you to listen to calls and earn money. As a call analyst on Reynolds, your job will be to listen to recorded phone calls between clients and their customers. You will also evaluate the recorded calls based on the set criteria for call handling and others.

These are the steps to get paid to listen to calls on Reynolds: Send an email to Reynolds stating that you want a job listening to calls, fill out an application form, and you might also have to take some tests before you can get employed.

As a call analyst on Reynolds, you will earn $11 every hour you listen to calls. You will receive the payment by direct deposit to banks every 2 weeks.

3. OneSpace

OneSpace platform is among the top 3 ways to get paid to listen to calls. Listening and analyzing recorded phone calls is one of the skills that sell best on OneSpace. You will need to set up a profile on OneSpace that shows that you can listen to and analyze calls. Then, you will do jobs like listening and analyzing calls to earn money.

Also, you can send job applications to employers on OneSpace that needs the services of listening and analyzing phone calls. Then, the employer will hire you, if your skills fit the services needed.

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For any company or business to grow, it needs to keep track of every piece of information that comes in via phone calls, and others. With Humanatic, Reynolds & Reynolds, and Call Source, you will easily get jobs to listen to and analyze calls to get paid. Well, you will make use of tools like a laptop that works, an internet connection, and a headset to listen to and analyze calls to earn money. 

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Good luck as you utilize these key 3 ways! Keep following dailygam for more juicy finance gist.

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