Side Hustle

10 Fun Things to Do For Free and Earn Money

Do you want to just have fun but don’t have the money to do so? Are you always complaining about how the lack of money has hindered you from doing the fun things in life? Regardless of your income, you should have fun. I have a list of some of the fun things to do for free and you can even make extra money while you’re at it.

10 Fun Things to Do For Free and Earn Money

1. Ride a Scooter/ Bike/ Motorcycle

Going for a ride is an adventurous way to have fun. If have a bike, scooter, or motorcycle, you could give rides to people like tourists and get paid.

2. Host a Clothing Swap

Hosting a clothing swap is one of the fun things to do for free and earn money as well. Invite your lady friends over, asking them to bring the clothes, shoes, and accessories they’re no longer in need of to trade with each other.

3. Library Books

If you love reading, the library offers free access to loads of books. Simply locate one near you and get unlimited access to amazing books on love, business, and adventure.

Also if you have loads of books, you sell them to the library for some extra cash.

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4. Volunteer

Volunteer service is also one of the fun things to do for free and earn money. Most business seminars and summits usually seek volunteers to help organize their events. By volunteering for these events/ programs, you get access to discussions, seminars, and people that may uplift the financial status of your life.

5. Take a Public Transportation Adventure

A lot of amazing things open on public buses; you get to meet fun, interesting, strange, and even weird people. These experiences have a way of brightening your day.

Plus taking a public transportation adventure helps you cut cost on transportation expenses.

6. Have a Picnic

Food tastes better when it’s eaten outside under the open sky. Pack up your favorite snacks and head somewhere lovely and green. Ask a friend to tag along as well if you enjoy the company of others.

7. Go to a Museum’s Free Day

It’s always fun to ogle dinosaur bones, historical sculptures, and paintings. Museums usually have days to let people in for free; visit the museum on those days. Explore these ancient artifacts, take pictures and have fun, it’s free!

Also, if you have a good photographic eye, you could take pictures and sell them. These are various platforms where you can sell them.

8. Engage in a Covert, Fitting Room Photo-shoot

You don’t have to own expensive clothes to be a model. Dress up in your most impressive outfit and storm one of those crazy expensive boutiques. Select nice outfits and try them on; document the entire process on your phone.

At the end of this adventure, you should have amazing pictures you could use for modeling.

9. Beauty School Spa Day

Having a spa day is one of the fun things to do for free. If you don’t mind letting a supervised student work on you, you can get crazy, crazy cheap salon services on beauty school spa days. This is another fun free experience that will help you cut costs.

10. Airport People Watching

At the airport, you get to witness tearful, joyful reunions. They’re like watching an emotionally insightful movie in real-time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where Do You Go When You’re Bored and Broke?

Places to Go When You’re Bored and Broke

  • Join a Random Flash Mob
  • Volunteer to Help Build a Home
  • Find a Free Craft Class
  • Hit Up the Sauna at the Gym
  • Forage to Find What’s Native to Your Area
  • Go On a Run
  • Attend a Church Event
  • Use a Free Yoga Pass at a Studio

What Can You Do in Your Free Time with No Money?

  • See What Your Community Has to Offer
  • neighborhood or community
  • Work on Your Family Tree
  • Pull Out the Board Games.
  • Work a Jigsaw Puzzle
  • Take a Bath.
  • Set Up a Craft Corner.
  • Work on Your Garden.
  • Pull Out Your Old Yearbooks

How can I Have Fun While Being Broke?

Ways to Have Fun when Broke

  1. Go on a picnic
  2. Go to no-cost museum and zoo days
  3. Give geocaching a try
  4. Leverage your chamber of commerce
  5. Take a historical city tour
  6. Visit a farmers market.
  7. Go camping
  8. Do a photography challenge

What Can You Do for $20?

Things to Do Under $20

  1. Explore the library
  2. Video game tournament
  3. Visit the park
  4. Kids eat free nights
  5. Tackle a puzzle
  6. Host a game night
  7. Get together for a pick-up game
  8. Try out mini-golf


These are some of the fun things to do for free and you can even make money from some of them. Don’t let the lack of money stop you from leaving a joyful life. So go out there and have fun.

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