Side Hustle

How To Sell Your Games On Gamestop As A Side Hustle

On the internet, there are several platforms that will pay you to sell your games and earn heavily. GameStop is one of such platforms. In this article, you would find out the necessary steps you must take if you want to sell your games on GameStop as a side hustle.

Read on to find out.

How to sell on GameStop:

Step one :  Make sure you understand your target audience.

Before you spend a lot of time and money in creating your game app, you must find out the basic information about the targeted customers of your product. You must find out of there are people who would find your game Interesting and be willing to buy.

Step two : Find out if it’s protectable.

It is necessary to find out if the product you’ll be making can be protected by the law. This would help you in defense of your product against cheap, pirated copies.

Step three : Make sure you perfect your pitch

Ensure that you know your number, retailer and the vital logistics that are included.

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Why the gaming world will be worse once GameStop is gone
Why the gaming world will be worse once GameStop is gone


GameStop , which was founded in 1984,   is an American video game, consumer electronics and gaming merchandise retailer. The company is headquartered in Grapevine, Texas, United States.  

The Company sells video game hardware, physical and digital video game software, video game accessories, as well as mobile and consumer electronics products and other merchandise through its GameStop, EB Games, and Micromania stores.

There are several ways to get a product placed in GameStop. However, most entrepreneurs only dream about getting their product distributed to major retailers, few actually do it.


  1. Start with the right questions :  Before you try distributing your product to GameStop, you need to ask yourself a few basic questions. Do you need to build demand for your product, or is there already a demand for it? Do you know that GameStop would be interested in selling your product? If you can strike a deal with GameStop, can you handle the production volume? Do you want to sell directly to GameStop, or do you want to license your product to a manufacturer that will handle distribution?
  2. Be prepared to profit.  Does your product offer enough of a profit margin for GameStop? Can you sell your product at a reasonable enough profit to cover the packaging, shipping, commissions, marketing and wholesale distribution?
GameStop's concept stores
GameStop’s concept stores

3. Determine if GameStop is the right store for your product. The relationship between you and GameStop starts with you browsing their store for competing products. If GameStop already has a similar product, it is going to be very difficult to get your product picked up.

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If you’re looking to sell your games on GameStop, be sure to thoroughly assess the marketplace, and take full advantage of resources available to help you grow your business. Taking up this activity as a side hustle will bring you extra income.

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