
How to Invest in Stocks with Little Money

If you’ve ever heard stuff like Investment is only possible with money in bulk.” No investment app accepts little money”, then you’ve got to read this article about how to invest in stocks with little money, to the end.

Many people have been deceived and discouraged by some of these misleading impressions, making them back down on their dreams of investing. 

Are you in the category of people who these claims have swayed? There is help in this article for you. 

We will begin by saying that you are not at a disadvantage if you can afford only a little money for investment at the time. 

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There are ways to put in your little and watch it blossom into the much you’ve always dreamt of. 

Let’s begin.

What is investing?

The Mirriam Webster’s dictionary defined Investing as “commiting (money) to earn a financial return”. 

Warren Buffett, a tested and proven Investor, defined Investing as “forgoing consumption now to have the ability to afford more at a later date”.

Factors to Consider Before Investing?

  • Risk Tolerance: You must understand your ability to handle risks. Robo-advisors help you with this by asking questions about your risk limit. 

They create a portfolio and select funds for investment based on your answers.

  • How Soon You Need the Money: It is advisable not to invest money that you’d need in the next 1-5 years because of the unpredictability of the market.
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How to Invest In Stocks With Little Money

1. Set Aside Money

You must get used to living below what you actually earn. When you continuously set aside money as low as $1, it compounds and increases in worth. 

You don’t have to invest a sizable amount of money at once; setting aside a little change from time to time in your saving box can help you do the trick. 

If you prefer, you could use an online saving account.

2. Locate Investment Platforms

There are a lot of plans and platforms that accommodate investment with little money:

  • Dividends Reinvestment Plans (DRIPS): This helps you invest little money in a stock that pays dividends by buying from the company directly. 

An example of such companies is Coca cola which makes allowances for buying stocks in small amounts to reinvest the dividends acquired.

  • The 140(k): This Employer-based system puts a proportion of your earnings into an investment account. 

It often comes with tax savings. However, the Individual Reinvestment Account (IRA), especially the Roth IRA, is tax-free and gives you more control over your account. It is very important for starters.

  • Engage Robo-advisors: Robo-advisors have been on for about a decade and have been doing great. 

They are like your hands and legs and require only a little cash for a start and make affordable charges according to the increase of your stock over time. Betterment is highly recommended.

Other ways to invest include:

  • Exchange-Traded funds (ETF)
  • Mutual funds      


It would surprise you how much you’d yield if you only put away your fears and actually invest. 

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