Side Hustle

5 High-Paying Side Hustles for Lazy People

No food for a lazy man? No, bruv, not anymore. Yes! Making money isn’t limited to getting a job anymore, whether part-time or full-time. You can be in the comfort of your home and earn some money for yourself, doing absolutely nothing! If you want to be that person, or you want an extra source of income alongside your job, then you should consider any of these high-paying side hustles for lazy people discussed in this article.

High-paying Side Hustles for Lazy People

1. Rent out Your Car

If you have a car and it’s not bringing in some cash for you, then that’s a shame. And no, I’m not talking about pick-ups, drop-offs, or delivering packages with your car; I’m talking about sitting at home and letting your car do the work for you. How, you ask? Renting! Renting out your car is a sure means of earning while flexing at home. It brings you money and helps to keep your car active.

2. Donate Your Sperm

Sperm donation is also one of the side hustles for lazy people. If you’re a guy who doesn’t think getting a physical job is for you, then you should consider being a sperm donor. There are many couples out there wanting to have a child, and your sperm could help them and help you make money.

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You can choose to remain anonymous or get recognized as a sperm donor, and according to, one donation can get you $35-$125. However, you will have to undergo some tests to ensure you’re medically fit, and after donation, your sperm will have to pass the screening process before you can get paid.

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3. Rent Out Your Home

Short-term rentals are getting common nowadays, and thanks to AirBnB, it is easier for both the one who’s searching and the one who’s renting out. It is considered a high-paying side hustle for lazy people because you’d be doing nothing except putting up your house for rent literally.

Besides, you don’t need to have a bungalow or duplex to make money from this. If you have a room or house, including condos and houseboats, you can make around $700-$2000 per month renting out your house short-term!

4. Teach a Course Online

Teaching online is a beautiful high-paying side hustle for lazy people. Beautiful because it suits your need of not wanting to work and you are helping people by teaching them what you know, which you’ll also be learning, sharpening your skills and earning. Platforms, where you can offer your courses, include LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, YouTube, Skillshare, etc.

5. Sit Pets

Did you know that pet sitting can earn you an average of $13.32 per hour in the US? As the name implies, pet sitting is caring for pets while their owner is away from home, whether vacationing, business travels, or just a busy schedule at work.

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Pet Sitting is one of the stress-free side hustles for lazy people, and you can choose your work hours; how long you work depends on how much money you want to make.


It’s the 21st century, and I can confidently say that you can’t go hungry even if you’re lazy! You only need to get the correct information, and with the little, I could scout for and provide high-paying side hustles for lazy people, you can rest assured that there are many opportunities to make money no matter how lazy you get.

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