Side Hustle

How to Make Money Designing and Selling T-shirts to Companies

Clothing is one of man’s greatest needs and this cannot be overemphasized. But beyond just wearing clothes, many people want to wear designer clothes and this gives you a great chance to make money designing and selling T-shirts to companies if you are a good designer.  On the list of clothes commonly worn today, the T-shirts comes top and designing and selling T-shirts to companies is a highly lucrative business today.

T-shirts are in high demand all over the world and many people search the internet every day for new designs. So, you can make a lot of money designing and selling T-shirts to companies online if you know how to do it. This article shows you the steps to take for success and profits in this venture.

Is it profitable to sell T-shirts online?

Selling T-shirts online is a profitable business because they are fashionable pieces of clothing. There may be lots of people selling T-shirts all over the internet but you can make a difference and make a good profit from it if you know the right way to go about it.

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Ways to make money designing and selling T-shirts to companies

  1. SpreadShop

SpreadShop is an e-commerce site that allows you to own your T-shirt store for free. All you need to do is sign up and begin to sell. You can make money on SpreadShop by selling your designs or by selling your T-shirts.

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  1. Teespring

Another place to make money designing and selling T-shirts to companies is Teespring. This company has an online T-shirt design feature that is user-friendly. When you register on the site, you are allowed to make your designs and set your price for them.

When interested buyers make orders for your designs that meet the stipulated order size, Teespring company will produce the T-shirts and have them delivered to the buyers while you get all the profit. You must, however, own a PayPal account to be able to withdraw your earnings.

  1. SellMyTees

SellMyTees offers you a personal online space to sell your designed T-shirts. Unlike the others, SellMyTees has both free and paid subscription plans for sellers and you can make money from both plans. SellMyTees will pay you monthly either by cheque or through PayPal, depending on the most suitable option for you.

  1. Threadless 

Threadless is a place to make money designing and selling T-shirts to companies and it is open to t-shirt designers worldwide. You can make money on the site by selling your designed T-shirts or by entering your designs in their contests for designers. Prizes for the winners of the contest are cash, a personal store, and an opportunity to continuously receive royalties for your design sales.

  1. Bonfire

Bonfire is an easy-to-use platform where you can sell your t-shirt designs. It is free to sign up on the website. Bonfire pays you 100% of your sales through PayPal. Besides selling your t-shirt designs, the site has other exciting features from which you can earn more money.

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  1. TeaPublic

On the TeaPublic website, you can create custom t-shirt templates that can be sold as soon as you upload them. TeaPublic has an interesting pricing system where your uploaded t-shirt designs sell for a fixed price of $14 for the first 3 days. During this period, the site helps to vigorously promote/advertise your designs. Thereafter, the price can be increased.


Knowing the right places to sell will make it easier for you to make money designing and selling T-shirts to companies. I hope that the useful information you have gained here will make a positive difference in your income as you put these tips into practice.

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