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2 Ways To Get Paid To Donate Eggs

You can make money donating eggs but how much you get paid to donate eggs varies. This is because different things are involved; as such, each donor might be compensated differently.

The fact is that a donor with more qualified eggs will earn higher than egg donors who have previously cycled eggs. If you are a woman looking to give out your ovum, this article will furnish you with the right information on how much you can earn to give out your ovum.

How Much You Get Paid To Donate Eggs

Generally, an egg donor fee will range from $5,000 to $10,000 per cycle. How much you get paid to donate eggs is the responsibility of the prospective parent. The amount to be paid will include the donor costs and expenses as a result of an egg donation cycle.

The prospective parents will pay for all egg donor expenses: These expenses are:

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  • Medical Expenses: All medical expenses that happened from screening, selection, stimulation, egg retrieval, embryo retrieval, transfers, etc. will be paid.
  • Egg Donor Insurance: There will be a fee to be paid to obtain insurance for the egg donor which is an expense for the prospective parents.
  • Egg Donor Compensation: The egg donor will be compensated after the procedure.
  • Attorney Fee; of course, there will be an Attorney fee for all the legal processes the attorney will get involved in.
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Get Paid to Donate Eggs: 2 Sure Ways

As earlier stated how much you get paid to donate eggs varies and the benefits vary as well. The benefits you can derive include:

1. Cash Payment

This is the first benefit you would get paid to donate eggs. How much you get paid depends on the facility you are using. But the standard payment is always between $5000 and $10,000 you would get a portion of the cash as you start the fertility medications, and the remaining balance will be paid after days of completing the egg retrieval.

All expenses paid. All your expenses will be paid for. Even if you are to travel donate your expenses such as hotel room, airfare, food, accommodation, and ground transportation will be catered for. So you don’t have any financial obligations.

2. Free Fertility Testing

Another way you would get paid to donate eggs will be through free fertility testing. You will get to know how fertile you are via the fertility test. You would also have access to information and education about your own fertility: With the results from the screening tests, you would have information that would be valuable to you in the future especially when you are planning to have your own babies.


As a young woman who is thinking of donating eggs. You would need to find out how much you get paid to donate eggs. This will give you an idea if you can go ahead with it or not. The above information is correct on how much you can earn to give out your eggs and the benefits you stand to gain when you do so.

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