Side Hustle

6 Unpopular Ways to Make Money Driving Part-Time in 2022

It is a known fact people make money driving as the main hustle. However, not many people know that besides the usual town-drops and inter-state driving, there are several ways to make money driving part-time. Hence, many people are stuck to just one mode of earning income from driving.

Earning passive income from driving is not only possible but good because it does not conflict with your main hustle. You can easily combine it with your main job and earn a decent income on the side. This article discusses ten ways you can make money driving part-time in and/or outside of your city. I hope that you find these recommendations suitable to your needs/situation.

Unpopular Ways to Make Money Driving Part-Time in 2022: 6 Recommendations

1. Auto Driveway

Auto Driveway is arguably the most popular driveway in North America; its drivers are paid an average of $46,500 a year, if not more. However, there are certain qualifications that you must meet before you can become an Auto driver. For instance, age-wise, you must be at least 23 years of age and not more than 75 years of age, join a team of 10,000 pounds, and other rules that govern the service.

2. Roadie

Roadie is a delivery service whereby drivers drop deliveries at customers’ exact destinations. Here, the driver gets paid to drive a car with the deliverables properly stocked. As a driver, you will be delivering goods like medicine, groceries, luggage, and so on to customers and get paid $50 for each delivery that you make.

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3. Ridesharing

You can make money driving part-time by partnering with popular ridesharing companies like Uber andLyft. All you need to be eligible to work with these ridesharing companies is a good car and a clean driving record. Here, you get paid per minute or mile that you cover and this payment is from the money the ridesharing company charges the passenger for this service. These ridesharing companies have mobile apps which control and determine how much a passenger should be charged and how much you can earn as a driver.

4. Helping People Move their Properties

You can make money driving part-time by helping people to move their properties from one location to another either during relocation or after purchasing a new property People need this service every time as hardly does a day go by without people moving their properties. You use your car or van for this business or rent one and use it. Depending on the location and distance, you can earn $50 or more from this hustle.

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5. Baby-sit and Nanny Driving

Most babysitting and Nanny Jobs involve taking (i.e. driving) the kids to school, to the park, to eateries, and so on. So, you can earn money driving by registering as a driver for babies and nannies. However, to take this job, you must be up to 23 years old. In some districts, the payment for this gig is about $30. In other climes, it’s way higher than this.

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6. Driving Elderly People Around

Many elderly people can no longer drive and hence are willing to pay to be driven to an event or function or just for the fun of enjoying a ride. You can take this up and earn a good income from this.


You can earn a good income by driving part-time. However, you should be passionate about this and be available to provide the service when called upon. Driving is not easy but if you fulfill the conditions that I just mentioned, you can earn a good income from it. As an additional tip, to make money driving part-time consistently, you must have a flexible work schedule. This way, you will be able to combine this hustle with other things without conflict.

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