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5 Ways To Make Money From Woodworking in 2022

Woodworking has been an often overlooked form of art until recently. It involves creating wood items, such as wood carving, cabinet making, carpentry, wood turning, or joinery. Many people are now into woodworking, and even women are not left out. You can also make money from woodworking. Read down!

A woodworker is someone that does woodwork. You may be a badass woodworker, but do you know how to make money from woodworking? The ability to monetize your skill is what this article is about.

Different types of woodworking are:

  • Hand tool woodworking: Using basic hand tools.
  • Power tool woodworking: Using tools such as drills, table saws, and the like.
  • Digital woodworking involves letting a CNC machine do the work for you.
  • Blended woodworking involves the combination of power tools and hand tools.

Make Money From Woodworking in 2022: 5 Ways

Making money in woodworking is not limited to making furniture, although it is a large part. Some of the available options on how to make money in woodworking are:

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1. Wood Furniture

As I said, it is a huge part of woodworking. Some people would pay anything to get their hands on pieces of wooden furniture like desks, chairs, coffee tables, beds, dressers, etc., especially when it has a rustic look. Wood furniture lasts longer and gives the house a cool aesthetic look.

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2. Make Money From Woodworking Repairing furniture

If you do not have the materials to get started on making new furniture before marketing them, you have the option of repairing people’s furniture in exchange for cash. It would also give you an insight into the kind of wooden furniture people are into, and you can give their furniture a refreshing look.

3. Focusing on Small Wood Products

Making small wood products like candle holders, picture frames, jewelry boxes, serving trays, wine bottle holders, or even chess boards is one artistic way to make money from woodworking. It can bring you plenty of cash if you know where to market them, and thanks to technology, there are different websites and apps where you can reach millions of people and market your product to them.

4. Get Involved in Bigger Projects

Apart from making wood products, either big or small, you could also choose to work on big projects like building timber houses, depending on your level of expertise. To build timber houses, a woodworker’s skills are required, which is a great way for you to get exposed and add to your woodworking experience.

5. Starting A YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is an interesting way to make money from woodworking. Showing your audience behind the scenes your word works lets you gain their trust, and they see you as an expert in the field. You could also use it as an avenue to market your brand to them.


Being gifted with talent is one thing; sharpening your skills alongside monetizing them is another broad topic. Thankfully, you came across this article and now know what to do and where to go to make money from woodworking in 2022.

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You should know that knowledge is power when it is applied. Sitting on this piece of info means losing money, so put yourself out there in any way you can and start creating beautiful artwork that will bring in the dollars. All the best, mate!

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