Side Hustle

5 Paying Side-Hustle you can launch in Nigeria

5 Paying Side Hustle to launch in Nigeria( 2022 List)

However, also this post will be a go- to guide for you, If you have a 9- 5 job or an existent seeking a high paying side hustle to start in Nigeria.

There are relatively a number of business ideas to launch in Nigeria that can earn you a fortune. These side hustle ideas can be a great unresistant income sluice.

The intriguing part of it’s that utmost of these profitable side hustles require little or no capital investment to get started and you can turn these side hustle into a full- time job.
Without much delay, let’s get started.

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5 Paying Side Hustle to launch in Nigeria

Here are the lists of the top 15 top paying side hustle to start in Nigeria with little investment.

1. Open Your Own Online Store

Technology has made buying and selling way easier with e-commerce. You do n’t inescapably need to enjoy a physical shop before you can nurse the idea of buying and selling.

You can do it from any position once you possess an online store.

Easy right?

Retaining your online store will give you an edge in dealing on 3rd party e-commerce spots like Jumia and Konga, which open you up to competition amongst traders.

I can guess you must be asking yourself what you can actually retail online.

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The answer is the simplest thing after sliced chuck

You can retail absolutely anything.

still, it’s wise you go for products in high demand like health products, fashion particulars, skincare products, widgets, food etc. Just go for a niche that interest you and is also profitable, so you can give your 100 commitment and time to it.

2. Gadget form

Gadget form is a really economic side hustle in Nigeria. Specializing in phone and computers form is the new thing. Although it requires some position of moxie to start the business.

Besides, it’s an amazing way to induce income in Nigeria.

Once you have acquired the skill, you ’ll be good to go.

Another way to go about this is to mate with someone or people that you know are experts at the form of gadgets and have a friendly business agreement with them.

3. Digital Marketing

The more businesses keep going digital, there will surely be a need for people that can help manage them. These people are experts and are called digital marketers.

Digital marketers will help your business stand out online and at the same time reach out to further and further implicit guests.

You might suppose you ’re able of doing the job of a digital marketer, but once you try it you ’ll know that they ’re trained and good at what they do.

The difference will be egregious.

This is why you can come a digital marketer. Yes, you can learn and develop digital marketing chops.
Indeed if you just want to concentrate on running advertisements, creating digital strategies, tracking engagements and views etc you can do his from home and make some really good moneybags.

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It just might be difficult for you to have guests indeed as a freshman. excursions from that, digital marketing is a economic side hustle that you can noway go wrong with.

4. Event Planning


Fast forward to moment, event planning is one of the top- paying side hustles that’s bringing food to the table of numerous.

We all know that Nigerians love parties, marriages and naming observances inclusive. Events ca n’t just stop passing in Nigeria. The challenge then might just be chancing your first customer.

Event planning is such a economic side hustle in Nigeria. You could do this accessibly alongside your full- time job.

5. Freelance Writing, Editing and Proofreading

Freelancing is now a top career choice in the world at large. Not just in Nigeria.

The delightful thing about freelancing is that you can work from any position of your choice. You can be in Nigeria and be doing some work for someone in the UK.

As a copywriter, you can be making money by ghostwriting, proofreading, writing content for bloggers etc.


As a Nigerian, it’s really necessary for you to buy the idea of embracing a side hustle. There are lots of businesses you can comfortably manage alongside your day to day job.

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