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7 Easy Steps To Sell Pokémon Cards

As unbelievable as it may sound, Pokémon cards can be sold online for a lot of money. So if you have a stash of these cards somewhere, go bring them out. If you don’t know how to go about selling them, this article is here to help you sell Pokémon cards.

In this article, I have highlighted 7 easy steps to show you how to sell these cards. From this article, you will understand just how valuable and how much money those game cards can fetch you.

How To Sell Pokémon Cards

1. Sort The Pokémon Cards By Sets

Pokémon cards come in various sets; buying and selling of these cards are done according to the sets each card belongs to. To accurately sell these cards, you have to find out which sets each card belongs to so you can find buyers for that particular set.

Each Pokémon card has a small symbol. For old Pokémon cards, this symbol is at the bottom right-hand corner of the Pokémon illustration. While for new ones, it is at the bottom right-hand corner of the whole card.

To learn which sets each symbol stand for, look it up on eBay. Pokémon symbols and the set they belong to are listed on the site.

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2. Sort Them Numerically

Each Pokémon card has two numbers; one number is for the individual card, while the other number is for the cards in the entire set. For example, a mental card with 16/112; 16 is for the individual signifying it as the 16th card out of 112 cards.

Few Pokémon cards like the Base set cards do not have their numbers written this way. They only have one number signifying which card they are. E.g., Promos1; the number 1 signifies that this card first released a series of Black Star Promos. 

You will use these numbers to sort the card numerically.

3. Put All Of Your Cards In Protective Bags

After sorting the cards, it is advisable to put them in protective bags; this will prevent them from bending leaving them in a good condition to market. You can choose to put them in top loaders bags or a 9-pocket card sleeve. These bags can be bought at Walmart.

If these cards get bent or scratched, the value of the card will drop, so do well to protect them.

4. Make A List Of All The Cards You Have By Their Set

After sorting out the cards by their sets and numbers, you will notice they all have shapes at the bottom right corners. These shapes come in stars, diamonds, and circles. They are used to determine the worth of the cards. Stars mean the card is Rare, diamonds mean the card is Uncommon, and circles mean it is Common.

If your Pokémon cards are Japanese, the star/diamond/circle shapes will be white meaning they are ultra-rare.

You are to make a list of the numbers of each shape you have.

5. Price Them

Go to eBay and check the listings of the cards you have and how much they are sold for. Bear in mind that the prices for cards fluctuate all the time so to make the most money from your sales, you have to watch the market. The prices on eBay are regularly updated to the current price of the cards in the market.

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6. Set Up A Description Page

This is how you inform people of your product and attract potential buyers. While drawing up your description page, buy sure to list the set each card belongs to and the number so buyers looking for a particular set will know you have it.

Endeavor to describe the cards down to every detail so buyers will know what they are getting and cooperate with your selling price.

7. List Them On A Pokémon Selling Site

Most selling sites only take a small percentage for selling the cards. After drawing your description page, you can go ahead and like the cards on any selling cards. eBay is one of the best sites to sell Pokémon cards.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Sell My Pokémon Cards?

You can sell your Pokémon cards on:

  1. eBay
  2. Troll and Toad.
  3. CardMarket
  4. Card Cavern.
  5. TCGplayer
  6. Facebook Marketplace.

How Do I Check The Value Of My Pokémon Cards?

Every Pokémon card is stamped with a small symbol in the bottom right corner that identifies its rarity. You can use this symbol to check the value of your Pokémon cards on eBay.

Should I Sell My Old Pokémon Cards?

Over 90% of the Pokémon cards from the 90s aren’t worth much so you should sell your old cards.


It’s amazing how much money can be made from these playing cards. If you have a truckload of them, you’re basically sitting on millions. Follow these easy steps to sell Pokémon cards and get easy cash-outs.

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